this is a simple HOC for organizing network behaviour
;; static hooks = Promise items: id: 0 displayName: 'cat' price: 35 id: 1 displayName: 'phone' price: 35 { // use this when there is network connectivity thisprops; // use this one when in offline mode! // this.props.loadFakeItems(); // or // this.props.loadSyncItems(); } { const items= } = thisprops; return <ul> items </ul> ; } App;
for observables / sockets / triggering updates from a / calling a hook multiple times
{ thisnext = next thisdone = done thiserr = err; thiscount = 0; } { ; } { ifthisinterval ; if !args0 this; else if args0 < 0 this; else thisinterval = ; } ; // from ./network, into the static hooks eventually
this example will make an interval of whatever length you tell it when calling the hook, to update props.count
calling it again will clear the old interval so you can change the tick length
without restarting the count
cleanup will be called when the component dismounts (componentWillUnmount)
or when calling the handler with 0
by triggering the done callback
errors end up on this.props[hookName+'HookErr']
thisprops; //... { console; // 'negative tick length not allowed' return <JSX/>;}
you can also return a promise from handleRequest that will be the result of calling the hook each time, resolved after the setState is done (and so your props will be updated)