
0.2.2 • Public • Published

React Emoji Component

React component wrapper for the twemoji library which converts unicode emoji codepoints into emoji images.

A demo is available at

Build Status MIT License


npm install --save react-headzoo-emoji


Wrap content where emoji should be converted into images. By default the emoji are converted into images which are hosted from

var React = require('react');
var Emoji = require('react-headzoo-emoji');
var Component = React.createClass({
    render: function() {
        return (
                    Hello, World! 😀

Will produce the following HTML.

        Hello, World! <img src="" class="emoji" alt="😀" />


size Default = 72, Possible values: 16, 36, and 72
The emoji images are available in three sizes: 16x16, 36x36, and 72x72. The value of this prop determines which size to use.

<Emoji size={16}>
    Hello, World! 😀

base Default = ''
Changes the base URL for the emoji images. Can be an absolute URL or a path.

<Emoji base="">
    Hello, World! 😀

ext Default = '.png', Possible values: '.png', '.gif', '.jpg', '.jpeg', '.bmp', '.webp', '.svg', '.svgz'
Specifies the file extension for self hosted emoji images.

<Emoji ext=".gif">
    Hello, World! 😀

tag Default = 'SPAN'
By default the component wraps it's children in a <span> tag, but any tag may be used.

<Emoji tag="div">
    Hello, World! 😀

imgClassName Default = 'emoji'
Specifies the name of a CSS class which will be added to each created <img> tag.

<Emoji imgClassName="site-emoji">
    Hello, World! 😀


    Hello, World! <img src="" class="site-emoji" alt="😀" />

Note: Use the className property to specify the CSS class added to the <span> container.

imgStyle Default = {}
Specifies CSS styles which will be applied to each created <img> tag.

<Emoji imgStyle={{paddingTop: '1rem', width: '16px', height: '16px'}}>
    Hello, World! 😀


    Hello, World! <img src="" style="padding-top:1rem;width:16px;height:16px;" class="emoji" alt="😀" />

imgTitle Default = ''
Specifies the title that will be added to each created <img> tag.

<Emoji imgTitle="Emoji">
    Hello, World! 😀


    Hello, World! <img src="" title="Emoji" class="emoji" alt="😀" />

onParse Default = function(){}
While the component parses it's children, it calls this function for each unicode codepoint it finds. The callback receives an object with the following properties: icon, base, size, and ext. Altering the values in the callback changes the parsed output. The icon value contains the hex value of the codepoint, which is also used as the image filename, sans extension.

onComplete Default = function(){}
Called when parsing is finished. The callback receives an array of DOM nodes for each <img> that was created. Provides the chance to alter the images further, add event listeners, etc. Always called when parsing finishes, even when no emoji were found.

onError Default = function(){}
Called each time an emoji image fails to load. The callback receives an object describing the error.

Any other properties are added to the <span> container.

<Emoji className="emoji-wrapper" imgClassName="site-emoji" style={{opacity: 0.8}} imgStyle={{width: '16px', height: '16px'}}>
    Hello, World! 😀


<span class="emoji-wrapper" style="opacity: 0.8;">
    Hello, World! <img src="" style="width:16px;height:16px;" class="site-emoji" alt="😀" />

Global Properties

The component includes the setGlobalProps() method, which is used to change the default props used on each component. For instance rather than setting the base prop on every component instance (a value which may change in the future) you can instead set it once in your bootstrap process use setGlobalProps().

var Emoji = require('react-headzoo-emoji');
    base: ''


npm run test


npm run build

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