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1.0.16 • Public • Published


Congrats! You just saved yourself hours of work by using react-animated-navbars library for creating animated navigation panels


Take a look at the live demo!


install it using npm or yarn to include it in your own React project

You will also need to import css modules in root your project before using it. dist/react-animated-navbars.cjs.development.css


npm i react-hamburger-menus


yarn add react-hamburger-menus


Ghost Navbar

  • Import GhostNavbar component from react-animated-navbars
  • Import styles react-animated-navbars/dist/style.css
import React from "react";
import { GhostNavbar } from "react-hamburger-menus";
import "react-hamburger-menus/dist/style.css";

const App = () => {
  return (
          floatButtonSize: 0.9,
          floatButtonX: 6,
          floatButtonY: 4

export default App;

Using with next js/ Gatsby js or other React Framework for application routing

import Link from 'next/link'
      <Link href="/"> Home </Link>



Direct props use ul tag with li or else animations wont be applied

Prop Type Default Description
children ReactNode (ul > li) optional Navbar items
className string optional Base class
styles styles object optional Base styles
iconHeight, iconWidth, iconColor string optional Icon style
floatButtonX number 85 Ghost button X position from right
floatButtonY number 2 Ghost button Y position from top
listHoverColor [string, string] [color 1, color 2] Hover animation color
fontColor, fontSize, fontHoverColor optional string common text styling
zIndex number optional z-Index (1000)
leftReveal, rightReveal, backgroundBox, backgroundCircle string leftReveal backgroundCircle annimation types


If you want custom styles pass your CSS styling(Javascript Object) in Styles props using specific key mentioned below to apply styling correctly.

Take a look at the live demo for custom styling!

Property Type Default Description
navigation React CSS Properties optional Base styling
navigationButton React CSS Properties optional Ghost button styling
navigationIcon React CSS Properties optional Ghost icon styling
navigationBackground React CSS Properties optional Panel background styling

Responsive Navbar


Small screen

Large screen

import React from "react";
import { ResponsiveNavbar } from "react-hamburger-menus";
import "react-hamburger-menus/dist/style.css";

export const Default = () => (
      navigation: { fontFamily: 'Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif' },
      navigationBarSmall: {
        backgroundColor: 'aliceblue',
      navigationCardSmall: {
        backgroundColor: 'aliceblue',




Direct props use ul tag with li or else animations wont be applied

Prop Type Default Description
children ReactNode (ul > li) optional Navbar items
className string optional Base class
styles styles object optional Base styles
logo ReactNode optional Navbar logo
iconColor, iconWidth, iconHeight string optional Icon styling (toggle)
zIndex number optional z-Index (1000)
animationDelay number string optional
toggleNavigationBarSmallValue boolean optional manual toggle value
toggleNavigationBarSmallFunction VoidFunction optional manual toggle function


If you want custom styles pass your CSS styling(Javascript Object) in Styles props using specific key mentioned below to apply styling correctly.

Take a look at the live demo for custom styling!

Property Type Default Description
navigation React CSS Properties optional Base styling
navigationBarSmall React CSS Properties optional Navbar small screen styling
navigationButtonSmall React CSS Properties optional Navbar button small screen styling (toggle)
navigationCardSmall React CSS Properties optional Navbar card small screen styling (toggle)
navigationBarLarge React CSS Properties optional Navbar card large screen styling (toggle)

Ghost Button

import React from "react";
import { GhostButton } from "react-hamburger-menus";
import "react-hamburger-menus/dist/style.css";

const App = () => {
  return (
          floatButtonX: 85,
          floatButtonY: 7

export default App;

Using icon or html (as icon)

      <p style={{ fontSize: '19px', borderBottom: '1px solid grey' }}>Users</p>



Prop Type Default Description
children ReactNode (ul > li) optional Navbar items
className string optional Base class
styles styles object optional Base styles
icon ReactNode optional custom icon
floatButtonSize number optional Ghost button size (just number)
floatButtonX number 85 Ghost button X position from right
floatButtonY number 2 Ghost button Y position from top
fontColor, fontSize optional string common text styling
iconHeight, iconWidth, iconColor string optional Icon style
listHoverColor string aqua Hover animation color
zIndex number optional z-Index (1000)


Take a look at the live demo for custom styling!

Property Type Default Description
navigation React CSS Properties optional Base styling
navigationButton React CSS Properties optional Ghost button styling
navigationIcon React CSS Properties optional Ghost icon styling
navigationCard React CSS Properties optional Panel pop-up card styling

🐛 Bug Reporting

The Library is in developing stage

  • Feel free to Open an issue on GitHub to request any additional features you might need for your use case.
  • Connect with me on LinkedIn. I'd love ❤️️ to hear where you are using this library.

Browser support

Because this project uses CSS3 features, it's only meant for modern browsers. Some browsers currently fail to apply some of the animations correctly.

It is well tested for chrome, safari and firefox.

📜 License

This software is open source, licensed under the MIT License.

Package Sidebar


npm i react-hamburger-menus

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  • abusayid693