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quickly and easily bring esri-leaflet components into your react-leaflet application

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CircleCI npm version Codacy Badge License: GPL v3


Requires react^18, react-leaflet^4, and esri-leaflet^3.


To use these components you must install certain dependencies yourself:

npm i react react-dom leaflet react-leaflet esri-leaflet

with all of your underlying packages installed,

npm i react-esri-leaflet


react-esri-leaflet offers the following components:

Native Components:

  • <BasemapLayer />
  • <FeatureLayer />
  • <TiledMapLayer />
  • <ImageMapLayer />
  • <DynamicMapLayer />


  • <EsriLeafletGeoSearch />
  • <HeatmapLayer />
  • <ClusterLayer />
  • <VectorBasemapLayer />
  • <VectorTileLayer />


Import any of the components and use them in a <MapContainer />:

import React from "react";
import { MapContainer } from "react-leaflet";
import { BasemapLayer, FeatureLayer } from "react-esri-leaflet";
import EsriLeafletGeoSearch from "react-esri-leaflet/plugins/GeoSearch";

const Map = () => {
  return (
    <MapContainer zoom={zoom} center={center}>
      <BasemapLayer name="DarkGray" />
      <FeatureLayer url={featureLayerURL} />
      <EsriLeafletGeoSearch useMapBounds={false} position="topright" />

Using esri-leaflet Plugins

If you want to use any of the esri-leaflet plugins, you must first install their underlying packages and any associated css. Each plugin has its own requirements, which you can find in the esri-leaflet docs. Plugins are imported not from the main package, but from the /plugins/<PluginName> subfolder, like this:

import EsriLeafletGeoSearch from "react-esri-leaflet/plugins/EsriLeafletGeoSearch";


You must first install the underlying esri-leaflet-geocoder:

npm i esri-leaflet-geocoder

You will also need to include the css in your html header, as explained in the esri-leaflet-geocoder documentation. You can then use the <EsriLeafletGeoSearch /> component. See the Use section for examples.


First install the underlying dependencies:

npm i leaflet.heat esri-leaflet-heatmap

You can then use the <HeatmapLayer /> component.


First install the underlying dependencies:

npm i leaflet.markercluster esri-leaflet-cluster

You can then use the <ClusterLayer /> component.

VectorBasemapLayer and VectorTileLayer

First install the underlying dependencies:

npm i esri-leaflet-vector

You can then use the <VectorBasemapLayer /> and <VectorTileLater /> components.


All react-esri-leaflet components inherit their props from the underlying esri-leaflet component options. You can find the options for each esri-leaflet layer in their documentation. However, certain options are available or necessary for react-esri-leaflet components:

component prop type description required
BasemapLayer name string one of the esri accepted baselayer names yes
VectorBasemapLayer name string one of the esri accepted vector basemap names yes
VectorTileLayer url string the url of the vector tile layer service yes
EsriLeafletGeoSearch onResult function(results) fires when geosearch returns results, takes the results event as an argument no
EsriLeafletGeoSearch providers object An object defining the providers to be used for the geosearch component. The object keys are the names of one of the possible providers, and the values are objects containing the options to configure that provider. See below for an example. yes
    arcgisOnlineProvider: {
      token: your_token,
      label: "ArcGIS Online Results",
      maxResults: 10
    featureLayerProvider: {
      url: feature_layer_url,
      label: 'Featurelayer Provider Results'
      bufferRadius: 5000


Events can be accessed in the same way as described in the react-leaflet documentation, using the eventHandlers prop. All events are inherited from their underlying esri-leaflet component. For example:

    loading: () => console.log('featurelayer loading'),
    load: () => console.log('featurelayer loaded')
  }} />

    requeststart: () => console.log('Started request...'),
    requestend: () => console.log('Ended request...'),
    results: (r) => console.log(r)
  }} />


Many of the methods on esri-leaflet layers can be handled through react props. For example, a <FeatureLayer /> accepts the where prop, which applies a server side filter on the features in the layer. Using vanilla esri-leaflet, the getWhere and setWhere methods are available on the layer. With react-esri-leaflet, you can manage the setting and getting of many layer properties with react:

const Map = () => {

  const [minPopulation, setMinpopulation] = useState(1000);

  return (
    <MapContainer zoom={zoom} center={center}>

        where={`Population > '${minPopulation}'`}

      <button onClick={() => setMinpopulation(5000)}>
        Set min population to 5000



In this way, you can 'get' or 'set' your prop by accessing the state variable used to control it, or setting that state variable.

Other methods on esri-leaflet components are less related to presentational logic, and more related to analysis or interacting with the root dataset. For example, calling query or eachFeature on a featureLayer will not affect the presentation logic. In this sense, all methods not directly affecting the presentational logic of your layers (read: everything but the setters and getters) should be accessed by getting a ref to the underlying esri-leaflet layer. For example:

const Map = () => {

  const featureLayerRef = useRef();

  const queryFeature = () => {
      .where("Direction = 'WEST'")
      .run(function (error, featureCollection) {

  return (
    <MapContainer zoom={zoom} center={center}>
      <FeatureLayer ref={featureLayerRef} url={featureLayerURL} />
      <button onClick={queryFeature}>Run a Query</button>


Using Authenticated Layers

Any esri layers that require authentication accept a token prop. A react-esri-leaflet layer that requires a token should be conditionally rendered based on the availability of the token. For example, a typical token getting function is as follows:

async function authenticateEsri(client_id, client_secret, expiration) {

  const authservice = "";
  const url = `${authservice}?client_id=${client_id}&client_secret=${client_secret}&grant_type=client_credentials&expiration=${expiration}`;

  let token;

  await fetch(url, {
    method: "POST"
    .then((res) => res.json())
    .then((res) => {
      token = res.access_token;
    .catch((error) => {

  return token;


On component mount, you can call this function, save the token to state, and conditionally render the layer based on the state variable:

const Map = (props) => {

  const [token, setToken] = useState(null);

  useEffect(() => {
    async function getToken() {
      const token = await authenticateEsri();
  }, []);

  return (
    <MapContainer zoom center>
      {token && (
          <VectorBasemapLayer name="ArcGIS:Streets" token={token} />


You don't necesarily need an esri-leaflet component to bring esri layers into leaflet. You can use an esri service url with a react-leaflet TileLayer. For example:

<TileLayer url="{z}/{y}/{x}">

is equivalent to

<Basemap name="Oceans">

Esri also offers react-arcgis, which is a react wrapper for the ArcGIS Javascript API, but that takes you outside the realm of leaflet.


MIT License

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