This package has been deprecated

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This package moved to @easyroute/react, please use it instead

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1.0.1 • Public • Published

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Habitual router in your projects

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React Easyroute - is a simple and convenient router for React just like Vue Router. Supports history and hash mode, navigation guards, base path.

TL;DR Features:

  • Config-based router (just like Vue Router)
  • Dynamic route matching
  • Nested routes
  • Lazy route component loading outside the box
  • Programmatic navigation
  • Named routes
  • Hash, history and silent modes
  • CSS transitions

Looking for demo?

Try this code sandbox

Why you should try it?

1. Well-known syntax
It was inspired by the router for Vue.js, so this router will be understandable to many of you.

2. Still developing
Many features of the router are still ahead. Already now it can be used in projects, and I’m happy to know what will make it better.

3. Community-friendly
Repository cloning and pull requests are welcome!

How to use?

Please see DOCUMENTATION. Router is still developing and new features are coming out frequently.

Under the hood

This is React bindings for Easyroute framework-agnostic library.

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  • lyohaplotinka