A wrapper React component that adds draggable functionality to an element using transform3d. Works with touch devices.
to install
npm i react-draggable-component
to run demo
npm start
yarn start
Then navigate to http://localhost:3000/demo.html
to run tests
npm test
yarn test
to build
npm run build
yarn run build
;; <Draggable> <div className='draggable-content'>DRAG</div></Draggable>
additionalClass String // A string of additional classnames to add to the element
bounds Object // An array of coordinates, forming a square, that the user cannot drag the component outside of, in the format {x1: Number, y1: Number, x2: Number, y2: Number}
contentPosition String // The css positioning for for the element (i.e. 'absolute' or 'fixed', defaults to 'absolute')
disabled Boolean // If the component is disabled
dragCallback Function // A callback function while the user is dragging
dragStartCallback Function // A callback function for when the user starts dragging
dragStopCallback Function // A callback function for when the user stops dragging
dragLeaveCallback Function // A callback function for when the user is dragging and the mouse/touch leaves the draggable component
lock String // An axis to lock element to when dragging, either 'x' or 'y'
position Object // An object with x and y values for the content
preventDefaultEvents Boolean // Whether to prevent default mouse/touch events
touchScrollLock String // If set to true, prevents the content from being dragged if the user is scrolling in the opposite direction on a touch device