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0.4.2 • Public • Published

React Matrix

React Matrix Demo

React Matrix table shows relationships between two or more variables in a data set in grid format.

The most common usage for a table like React Matrix, is to display the likelihood and consequence "scores" of risks/hazards, this can be for anything from Corporate, Work Health Safety and Environment risks, and more.


  • Have a look at the PR template doc for best approach to getting your pr merged.


import ReactMatrix from "react-data-matrix";

const App: FC = () => {

  return (
        matrixName: "",
        matrixDescription: "",
        hasTableBorder: true,
        rowPrimaryUpper: true,
        hasInlineStyles: true,
        matrixSizeSelected: 5,
        headerPrimaryUpper: true,
        hasContainerStyles: true,
        reverseMatrixValues: true,

        tableContainerStyles: {},
        tableStyles: {},

        thRowStyles: {},
        thTitleStyles: {},
        thSubTitleStyles: {},
        thPrimaryTitleStyles: {},

        trRowStyles: {},
        trTitleStyles: {},
        trSubTitleStyles: {},
        trPrimaryTitleStyles: {},

        tdStyles: {},

        customHeaderRowIdValue: "",
        customRowDynamicIdValue: "",
        customTableDataDynamicIdValue: "",
        customRowHeaderDynamicIdValue: "",
        customDynamicHeaderTitleIdValue: "",
        customDynamicSubHeaderTitleIdValue: "",

Expected Data Structure

  • See ./src/lib/utils/data.ts for an example of the data, this can be used for testing if needed, or an example of how to construct/deconstruct your data objects from your api.
import { MatrixData } from "react-data-matrix";

export const data: MatrixData = {
  id: 1,
  matrix_size: 5,
  matrix_name: "React Matrix",
  primary_header_title: "Consequence",
  primary_row_header_title: "Likelihood",
  matrix_description: "Risk Matrix Template",

  matrix_details: [
      id: 1,
      likelihood: "E",
      consequence: 1,
      position: 5,
      matrix_type: "Risk",
      header_title: "Minor",
      header_sub_title: "Header sub-title/description.",
      row_header_title: "Rare",
      row_header_sub_title: "Row Header sub-title/description.",

  matrix_values: [
      id: 26,
      matrix_id: 1,
      description: "low",
      score_value: 1,
      colour: "green",
      position: 1,
      likelihood_descriptor: "E",
      consequence_descriptor: 1,
      response: "Business as usual",


export interface MatrixDetail {
  id: number;
  position: number;
  matrix_type: string;
  likelihood: string;
  consequence: number;
  header_title: string;
  header_sub_title: string;
  row_header_title: string;
  row_header_sub_title: string;

export interface MatrixValue {
  id: number;
  matrix_id: number;
  description: string;
  score_value: number;
  colour: string;
  position: number;
  likelihood_descriptor: string;
  consequence_descriptor: number;
  response: string;

export interface MatrixData {
  id: number;
  matrix_size: number;
  matrix_name: string;
  primary_header_title: string;
  primary_row_header_title: string;
  matrix_description: string;
  matrix_details: MatrixDetail[];
  matrix_values: MatrixValue[];

export interface ReactMatrixProps {
  data: MatrixData;
  hasTableBorder?: boolean;
  hasInlineStyles?: boolean | undefined;
  hasContainerStyles?: boolean | undefined;
  reverseMatrixValues?: boolean;
  matrixSizeSelected?: number;
  rowPrimaryUpper?: boolean;
  headerPrimaryUpper?: boolean;
  tableContainerStyles?: React.CSSProperties;
  tableStyles?: React.CSSProperties;
  thRowStyles?: React.CSSProperties;
  thTitleStyles?: React.CSSProperties;
  thSubTitleStyles?: React.CSSProperties;
  thPrimaryTitleStyles?: React.CSSProperties;
  trRowStyles?: React.CSSProperties;
  trTitleStyles?: React.CSSProperties;
  trSubTitleStyles?: React.CSSProperties;
  trPrimaryTitleStyles?: React.CSSProperties;
  tdStyles?: React.CSSProperties;
  customHeaderRowIdValue?: string;
  customDynamicHeaderTitleIdValue?: string;
  customDynamicSubHeaderTitleIdValue?: string;
  customRowDynamicIdValue?: string;
  customRowHeaderDynamicIdValue?: string;
  customTableDataDynamicIdValue?: string;

export interface MatrixHeaderProps {
  data: MatrixData;
  hasInlineStyles?: boolean | undefined;
  headerPrimaryUpper?: boolean;
  thRowStyles?: React.CSSProperties;
  thTitleStyles?: React.CSSProperties;
  thSubTitleStyles?: React.CSSProperties;
  thPrimaryTitleStyles?: React.CSSProperties;
  customHeaderRowIdValue?: string;
  customDynamicHeaderTitleIdValue?: string;
  customDynamicSubHeaderTitleIdValue?: string;

export interface MatrixRowsProps {
  data: MatrixData;
  rowPrimaryUpper?: boolean;
  hasInlineStyles?: boolean | undefined;
  reverseMatrixValues?: boolean;
  trRowStyles?: React.CSSProperties;
  trTitleStyles?: React.CSSProperties;
  trSubTitleStyles?: React.CSSProperties;
  trPrimaryTitleStyles?: React.CSSProperties;
  tdStyles?: React.CSSProperties;
  customRowDynamicIdValue?: string;
  customRowHeaderDynamicIdValue?: string;
  customTableDataDynamicIdValue?: string;

export interface TableDataProps {
  data: {
    id: number;
    colour: string;
    position: number;
    matrix_id: number;
    score_value: number;
    description: string;
    response: string;
    likelihood_descriptor: string;
    consequence_descriptor: number;
  tdStyles?: React.CSSProperties;
  hasInlineStyles?: boolean;
  customTableDataDynamicIdValue?: string;
defaultProps = {
  hasTableBorder: true,
  rowPrimaryUpper: true,
  hasInlineStyles: true,
  matrixSizeSelected: 5,
  headerPrimaryUpper: true,
  hasContainerStyles: true,
  reverseMatrixValues: true,

  tableContainerStyles: {},
  tableStyles: {},

  thRowStyles: {},
  thTitleStyles: {},
  thSubTitleStyles: {},
  thPrimaryTitleStyles: {},

  trRowStyles: {},
  trTitleStyles: {},
  trSubTitleStyles: {},
  trPrimaryTitleStyles: {},

  tdStyles: {},

  customHeaderRowIdValue: "",
  customRowDynamicIdValue: "",
  customTableDataDynamicIdValue: "",
  customRowHeaderDynamicIdValue: "",
  customDynamicHeaderTitleIdValue: "",
  customDynamicSubHeaderTitleIdValue: "",

Available Properties

  • hasInlineStyles
    • Default is true.
    • If false all inline styles are removed.

  • hasTableBorder
    • Default is true.
    • If false the most outer border is removed.

  • hasContainerStyles
    • Default is true.
    • This will center the matrix in the middle of the page.

  • reverseMatrixValues
    • Default is true.
    • When true the lowest value will be in the bottom left and the highest value will be in the top right, with all sequential values in-between.
    • When false the values will be reversed, lowest value top left highest value bottom right.

  • rowPrimaryUpper
    • Default is true.
    • If false string formatting will be removed.

  • headerPrimaryUpper
    • Default is true.
    • If false string formatting will be removed.

  • customHeaderRowIdValue
    • Default is empty string.
    • can be used to target element through id prop.

  • customDynamicHeaderTitleIdValue
    • Default is empty string.
    • can be used to target element through id prop.

  • customDynamicSubHeaderTitleIdValue
    • Default is empty string.
    • can be used to target element through id prop.

  • customRowDynamicIdValue
    • Default is empty string.
    • can be used to target element through id prop.

  • customRowHeaderDynamicIdValue
    • Default is empty string.
    • can be used to target element through id prop.

  • customTableDataDynamicIdValue
    • Default is empty string.
    • can be used to target element through id prop.

Styling Properties


These styles can be added to the current styles or, if you make hasInlineStyles = false, then add these values with your own styles, you can have full control over styling inline.


  • tableContainerStyles={{}}
  • tableStyles={{}}


  • thRowStyles={{}}
  • thTitleStyles={{}}
  • thSubTitleStyles={{}}
  • thPrimaryTitleStyles={{}}


  • trRowStyles={{}},
  • trTitleStyles={{}},
  • trSubTitleStyles={{}},
  • trPrimaryTitleStyles={{}},


  • tdStyles={{}},

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  • bronz3beard