A simple and lightweight library for scheduling recurring events in React.
npm install react-cron-schedule
if you are installing from github package registry
npm install @qubryx/react-cron-schedule
If the library is not working as expected (Only for the user installed by github package registry), you may need to add the following line to your .npmrc
import { Recurrence } from 'react-cron-schedule';
function App() {
return (
onChange={(value) => console.log(value) }
export default App;
Names | Type | Default | Description | Mandatory |
value | object | Fileds in onChange function prop, can use to edit or set default values | No | |
disabled | boolean | false | Disable all fields | No |
showCronExpression | boolean | false | Show cron expression of recurring event at the bottom | No |
onChange | function | Have single object argument, which contains user selected settings | No | |
styles | object | React style object | No |
value prop can be used to pass default values
Names | Type | Default | Description | Mandatory |
startDate | Date/String | new Date() | The starting date of the recurring event | No |
endDate | Date/String | null | The ending date of the recurring event | No |
repeat | String | 'weekly' | The repeating of the reoccurring event. Possible values: "weekly", "monthly". | No |
frequency | Number | 1 | The interval between each recurrence. | No |
selectedEndType | String | 'noend' | The end type of the recurring event. Possible values: "noend", "date", "count" | No |
endCount | Number | 10 | The end count of the recurring event | No |
cronExpression | Array of Strings | [] | Cron Expression of the recurring event to set the fied values for editing | No |
showOnlyBottomBorder | Boolean | false | Show only bottom border for all the box components | false |
repeatFor | Number | undefined | The number of occurance after the interval | false |
repeatForType | String | 'days' | The type of occurance after the interval, possible values: "days", "workingDays", "weeks" | false |
isFullWeek | Boolean | false | To occure an event on the full week | false |
import { Recurrence } from 'react-cron-schedule';
function App() {
return (
value = {
startDate: {new Date()},
endDate: {new Date(2030, 11, 31)},
export default App;
Rule name | Description |
root | styles applied to root element |
frequencyContainer | styles applied to components in frequency row |
repeatLabel | styles applied to 'Repeat' text |
repeatDropdown | styles applied to repeat selection dropdown |
selectedRepeatLabel | styles applied to selected repeat label. Eg: 'week(s)' |
frequencyInput | styles applied to frequency number input |
weekContainer | styles applied to components in week selection row |
weekdayBtnContainer | styles applied to weekday button container |
weekdayBtn | styles applied to weekday button |
selectedWeekdayBtn | styles applied to selected weekday button |
weekdayFullTextLabel | styles applied to weekday full text in mobile view checkbox |
selectedWeekdayFullTextLabel | styles applied to selected weekday full text in mobile view checkbox |
monthContainer | styles applied to components in month selection row |
onLabel | styles applied to 'On' text |
dayLabel | styles applied to 'day' text |
orLabel | styles applied to 'or' text |
dayDropdown | styles applied to day selection dropdown in month. Eg: 1 - 31 |
orderDropdown | styles applied to order selection dropdown in month: 'First', 'Second', etc |
monthWeekdayDropdown | styles applied to weekday selection dropdown in month: 'Monday', 'Day', etc |
dateContainer | styles applied to components in date selection row |
startLabel | styles applied to 'Start' text |
endLabel | styles applied to 'End' text |
startDate | styles applied to start date picker |
endDate | styles applied to end date picker |
endType | styles applied to end type selection dropdown. Eg: 'date', 'count', etc |
endCount | styles applied to end count number input |
recurrenceText | styles applied to recurrenct text |
cronExpression | styles applied to cronExpression text |
import { Recurrence } from 'react-cron-schedule';
function App() {
return (
styles= {
repeatDropdown: {
border: '0px',
borderBottom: '1px solid',
paddingBottom: 3
frequencyInput: {
border: '0px',
borderBottom: '1px solid',
paddingBottom: 3
marginBottom: 20,
marginTop: 15
selectedWeekdayBtn: {
backgroundColor: 'green'
marginBottom: 30
startDate: {
border: '0px',
borderBottom: '1px solid',
paddingBottom: 3
endDate: {
border: '0px',
borderBottom: '1px solid',
paddingBottom: 3
endType: {
border: '0px',
borderBottom: '1px solid',
paddingBottom: 3
recurrenceText: {
color: 'orange'
export default App;
React Recurring Job is open-sourced library licensed under the Apache license.