react-confirm-window is a lightweight library that simplifies the implementation of window confirmation dialogs in React applications by offering a Promise-based API that works seamlessly with async/await syntax, similar to window.confirm.
It provides various customization options and can be used just by calling the useConfirm hook.
- Modal header can be passed as props
- Modal title can be passed as props
- Confirm Button Label can be passed as props
- Confirm Button Label can be passed as props
Wrapper your App with the ConfirmDialogProvider
import {ConfirmDialogProvider} from 'react-confirm-window'
function App() {
return (
<Component />
Import useConfirm hook and call it using async/await
import {useConfirm} from 'react-confirm-window'
function Component() {
const confirm = useConfirm();
const handleDelete = async()=>{
const choice = await confirm({
header: "Please Confirm",
title: "Are you sure you want to delete?",
closeButtonLable: "No",
confirmButtonLable: "Yes",
// returns true if confirmed else false
// do something
return (
Create a modal commonent with props onClose and onConfirm. Use these two props in your onClick of close and confirm buttons respectively
function MyConfirmWindow({ onClose, onConfirm, title }) {
return (
<div className="confirm-modal-container confirmationDialog">
<div className="modal-content">
<div>My Confirm Window</div>
<div className="confirm-modal-button-container">
<button className="cancelConfirmBtn" onClick={onClose}>
<button className="confirmChangesBtn" onClick={onConfirm}>
Now provide this component to ConfirmDialogProvider as props
import ConfirmDialogProvider from 'react-confirm-window'
import MyConfirmWindow from './MyConfirmWindow'
function App() {
return (
<ConfirmDialogProvider dialogComponent={MyConfirmWindow}>
<Component />
Import useConfirm hook and call it using async/await
import {useConfirm} from 'react-confirm-window'
function Component() {
const confirm = useConfirm();
const handleDelete = ()=>{
const choice = await confirm({
title: "Are you sure you want to delete?",
// returns true if confirmed else false
// do something
return (