
0.2.0-beta.1 • Public • Published


One React Component for spelling field comparison, through one or more sets of input boxes, into the condition.




import ConditionSpelling from 'react-condition-spelling'
    config={config} // or use default without custom config
    copy={copy} // or use default without custom copy
    onChange={(result) => {
        const { condition, spelling, inputs } = result

Getting Started

  • install dependencies
yarn install
  • serve with hot reload at localhost:6006
yarn storybook
yarn s
  • build component
yarn build
yarn b
  • build storybook
yarn build-storybook
yarn bs


  • fields Array
    field item with fieldName,dataType(both defined in database) and a name(which show as option in select) like [{fieldName: 'field_name', dataType: 'varchar', name: 'text in input'}] 每一项字段需要包括数据库中定义的字段名和字段类型,和一个名称用于被显示在select里,如[{fieldName: '字段名', dataType: '字段类型', name: '显示的文字'}]

    • e.g { dataType: 'varchar', fieldName: 'qr_code', name: 'QR Code' } or { dataType: 'numeric', fieldName: 'zip_code', name: 'Zip Code' }
  • config Object

    1. doors Object
      sql doors like { and: 'AND' } sql的逻辑门,形似{ 且: 'AND' }

      • e.g { and: 'AND' } or { or: 'OR' }
    2. [types] Object //type must be one <input> type

      • dataTypes Array
        • which dataTypes use this type input 定义哪些dataType使用这一type的input
        • e.g dataTypes: ['varchar', 'char', 'text', 'blob'] or dataTypes: ['int', 'float', 'double', 'decimal']
      • symbols Object
        which symbols to use for this type, like { 'symbol text': { symbol: 'sql symbol' } } or { 'symbol text': { symbol: 'sql symbol' , preprocess: preprocessFunction} } 定义每一个type使用哪些符号,如 { '显示的符号': { symbol: 'sql符号' } } 或 { '显示的符号': { symbol: 'sql符号' , preprocess: 预处理函数} }
        • e.g { default: { 'equal': { symbol: '=' }, number: { 'not equal': { symbol: '<>' } } } or { default: { '=': { symbol: '<>' } }, text: { like: { symbol: 'LIKE', preprocess: (value) => '%${value}%' } } }
    3. default Object
      like symbols in every [types], be used when no dataType of field is matched. 作用等同[types]中的symbols,在字段数据类型没有匹配到任何定义的类型时使用

  • copy Object

    • title String text at first grid in first line 首行的开头显示的文字 default is 'condition: '
    • alwaysTrue String sql condition always be true 总是为true的sql condition default is ' 1 = 1'
    • waiting String spelling text initial 拼成的语句的初始值 default is 'No screening'
    • error String text when no field in props 当props里没有字段时显示的文字 default is 'No fields!'
    • placeholderLeft String placeholder for left input every line 每行左括号输入框的 default is '" ( " only'placeholder
    • placeholderRight String placeholder for right input every line 每行右括号输入框的 default is '" ) " only'placeholder
    • placeholderInput String placeholder for value input every line 每行值输入框的placeholder default is 'input here'
  • max Number
    how much lines be shown at most 定义最多可以出现几行

  • showAll Boolean
    whether all lines always be be shown or not work only if has prop: max 是否总是显示所有行 仅在有prop: max时有效

  • onChange Funtion
    callback when spelling sql, get an Object attr includes condition, spelling and inputs 每当拼写出sql语句时的回调,接收一个对象包含condition, spelling and inputs

    • condition String
      effective spelling sql 拼写出的有效sql
    • spelling String
      spelling text 拼写出的文字
    • inputs Array
      every line Object item Array 每一行的对象数组
  • onLoad Funtion
    callback when component did mount, get two attr condition, spelling 组件mount后的回调,接收两个参数包含condition, spelling

    • condition String
      effective spelling sql 拼写出的有效sql
    • spelling String
      spelling text 拼写出的文字
  • bindClearAll Funtion
    get the clearAll function to bind your clear function, like bindClearAll={(clear) => (this.clearAll = clear)} and use this.clearAll() to clear 获取clearAll方法,可以绑定到你自己的方法上,如bindClearAll={(clear) => (this.clearAll = clear)}绑定到你的this.clearAll方法上做清空操作




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  • cxiaof