
1.0.1 • Public • Published

React Clean Calendar npm version

A number of examples and recipes can be found here: Examples and Recipes.

react-clean-calendar is a light-weight react calendar component that primarily aims to solve the date-math involved in rendering a calendar. The component, given a year, month, and 'first day of the week' (eg. traditionally Sunday in North America, Monday in Europe) will render enough rows to display each day of the calendar month.

The calendar provides little to no styling for content inside of day cells. A renderDay prop is provided that lets you control and render the day exactly how you'd like.

Getting Started

The easiest way to get started with this library is to browse the examples and recipes and their associated source code.


Note: this library uses 1-indexed month values (1=Jan, 12=Dec).


  • The main react calendar component.

Available Props

Name Required Type Description
year yes number The current calendar year to show.
month yes number The current calendar month to show, 1-12.
locale yes string A string with a BCP 47 language tag, or an array of such strings. See here.
renderDay yes (date: Date, cellID: string) => Node A render function to render one calendar day's contents.
firstWeekday no Weekday The day of the week represented by the first calendar column. This defaults to 0. Weekday is an enum of 0-6, 0-Sun, 6-Sat.
renderDayHeading no (dayIndex: number) => Node A render function to render a heading for the day of the week columns. dayIndex is an enum of 0-6, 0-Sun, 6-Sat.
renderHeading no () => Node A render function to render a heading for the entire calendar. Typically this is where your buttons to page between months should go.
borderOptions no BorderOptions Either the string "no-border" or an object {color: string, width: number }. For advanced usages you may want to implement border rendering in the renderDay prop.


import React, { Component } from 'react';
import { Calendar } from 'react-clean-calendar';
const App = (props) => {
  return (
      renderDay={(date, cellID) => <div>{date.toString()}</div>}


  • A react component calendar heading. This is a simple implementation to get started with. It includes pagination buttons and a title.
  • To use this you'll want to implement the Calendar component's renderHeading render prop. In that render function use this component. Many of the examples demonstrate how to do this.

Available Props

Name Required Type Description
title yes string A title for the month. It will be centered.
onNextMonthClicked yes () => void A function to call when the user clicks the next month button.
onPreviousMonthClicked yes () => void A function to call when the user clicks the previous month button.


  title={localizedYearMonth(this.locale, 'long', 'numeric', this.state.year, this.state.month)}
  onNextMonthClicked={() => this.setState({ ...nextMonth(this.state.year, this.state.month) })}
  onPreviousMonthClicked={() => this.setState({ ...previousMonth(this.state.year, this.state.month) })}


  • Provided with a locale and format, this will return weekday names you can display as calendar day headings.
  locale: string,
  format: WeekdayFormat,
  startingWeekDay: Weekday,


localizedWeekdayNamesStartingWith('en-us', 'long', 0)
=> ['Sunday', 'Monday', 'Tuesday', 'Wednesday', 'Thursday', 'Friday', 'Saturday']
localizedWeekdayNamesStartingWith('en-us', 'long', 1)
=> ['Monday', 'Tuesday', 'Wednesday', 'Thursday', 'Friday', 'Saturday', 'Sunday']


  • Provided with a locale, format, year, and month, this will return a localized string. This can be used as a heading for the entire calendar.
  locale: string,
  monthFormat: MonthFormat,
  yearFormat: YearFormat,
  year: number,
  month: number,


localizedYearMonth('en-us', 'short', 'numeric', 2019, 1)
=> Jan 2019


  • Given a year/month, returns an object containing the next year/month.
  year: number,
  month: number,


nextMonth(2019, 12)
=> { year: 2020, month: 1 }


  • Given a year/month, returns an object containing the previous year/month.
  year: number,
  month: number,


previousMonth(2020, 1)
=> { year: 2019, month: 12 }


Internally, the calendar uses flex-box to lay itself out. A small amount of CSS is used to style the calendar. The styling is attached to these classes:

  • Month-month
  • Month-week
  • Month-day
  • Month-week-header
  • Month-week-header-weekday

You may have to customize or override this default styling if you can't achieve the layout you want because of it.


react-clean-calendar was built to be a fully customizable calendar component. Other projects like rc-calendar and react-big-calendar proved too hard to customize, because of styling decisions they made that could not be simply overidden. If you're searching for a calendar for your project, I'd look at those more feature-filled calendars before choosing this one. This calendar simply provides you with data about days. You're left to render data into those day-cells on your own.

react-clean-calendar is meant to be a base for you to build your own custom calendars on top of. There are some reasonable defaults provided, but by-and-large the style and content implementation details are completely up to you.

react-clean-calendar is primarily built and meant to serve as a full-screen calendar component. The focus of this library is not for building a date-picker, although there's no reason it couldn't be used for that.

React clean calendar has no dependencies beyond react and react-dom.

Support Browsers

Browser Tested Version
IE 11
Edge Latest
Chrome Latest
Firefox Latest
Safari Latest

These are the browser's that I attempt to support. Please note that this is a project I work on in spare time and I can't guarantee my ability to always thoroughly test on every browser.

Older versions of Chrome, Edge, and Firefox will almost certainly work, however I do not test with anything except the latest version of those browsers.

If you encounter any issues with any of the listed browser please open an issue.

While I don't actively test with mobile browsers, please file any issues with any modern mobile browsers as well.

NOTE: babel-polyfill is used on the example site to support IE11 for some examples. It shouldn't be needed to use the library with IE11, however.


The UMD module uses the global variable RCCal. See this codepen for an example of the calendar using UMD imports for react, react-dom, react-clean-calendar, and babel.

Note: In production I don't recommend importing the project this way. I recommend downloading it through npm and building it into your project with webpack (or any other JS build tool). However, the UMD module can be imported to quickly prototype or get started with the calendar.


The project is licensed under The MIT License. See for details.

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  • brennanr