This package has been deprecated

Author message:

Mostly buggy and insecure code. Not really worthy


1.0.13 • Public • Published

React Candy

A bundle of front-end components to use with react on Web development.

React Candy's components:


In the belief that you want to style your own page there's no default stylesheet attributed to the components. So all the classNames are indexed on this page.

Soon a package with a default theme for these components will be given if you don't want to customize it yourself.


A button that can behave like a link if it has an href param.


Prop Description
href Link to wich button will redirect

Button can also receive HTML buttons props. (Like you probably would want to attrib an onClick event to a Button).


  • Button


    // JS require format
    var Button = require("react-candy/Button");

    // ES6 import syntax
    import Button from 'react-candy/Button';


    <!-- A button that behaves like a button -->
    <Button onClick={(ev)=>{/*Your code goes here*/}}/>
    <!-- A button that behaves like a link -->
    <Button href="" />


A input with some more types available.

The Input component brings some masked inputs by default that often would need to be reimplemented to be used with react.

It also brings some brazilian-specific types like

  • CPF
  • CNPJ
  • Telefone

with masks, as the project begun on Brazil.


Prop PropType Required? defaultValue Description
type string no "text" The input type to be rendered
label string yes - The input's label
id string yes - This id is needed to assign the label to the input
name string no - The input name to be submit on actioned forms
defaultValue string or number no - Input initial value
readOnly bool no false Use if you want the input to be read-only
listOptions array of string no - Used when the type is list, here you list the options of the list in an array.
required bool no - Used to mark if the input is required
money string no '$' The currency to display when using type money
placeholder string no - Input's placeholder
imAwareOfTheRisk bool no - Put a defaultValue on a password type field is dangerous and it could be easily discovered with code inspection. But if you still want to use it (Without being anoiyed with a warning message) use this prop
event props func no - The Input component supports HTML default events - On React's way- (Started with on- and camel-case)

Types available

  • telefone (For brazilian telephones (00) 99999-9999 )
  • phone (US telephones (415) 555-2671)
  • cpf
  • cnpj
  • money (It shows the currency aside the value)
  • textarea
  • list (A simpler approach to the HTML select)
  • date (Date here is just a text with a mask)
  • week (A bunch of checkboxes to select days in a week [Sunday - Saturday])
  • semana (Same as week but portuguese)
  • HTML default types...

The readOnly prop

The Input's readOnly prop will make it render a <p> tag with the value, or a <pre> in the case of textarea, and you will probably want to attrib a style to it.


    <!-- The defaul type is text, so in this case it doesn't need to be given -->
    <Input label="Name" id="name"/>

    <!-- defaultValue is set as a number and not a text -->
    <Input type="number" label="Age" id="age" name="personAge" defaultValue={18} required/>

    <!-- The currency here will be shown as R$ -->
    <Input type="money" label="Cash Amount" id="cash" money="R$" />

There are two ways of using the Input component in forms:

Using with a <form> tag
    <form action="/submitCash" method="post">
        <Input id="cash" label="Value" type="money" money="" />
        <Input type='submit' label="Submit Money" id="submit"/>
Use with React Candy's <PrototipedForm>



  • InputPlaceholder
    • InputLabel
    • Input/${input_type}


    // JS require format
    var Input = require("react-candy/Input");

    // ES6 import syntax
    import Input from 'react-candy/Input';


An out of the box Modal for React. Shows a modal with content and a close button.


Prop Required? PropType defaultValue Description
id yes string - Modal's id for behavior to work
modalWillShow no func - Function to run just before modal mount
modalDidShow no func - Function to run right after modal mount
modalCloseLabel no string | object " × " Label to put on modal's close button


    <Modal id="modal">
        <h1> Any content inside modal </h1>        


  • Modal
    • ModalContent
      • ModalClose


    // JS require format
    var Modal = require("react-candy/Modal").Modal;

    // ES6 import syntax
    import { Modal } from 'react-candy/Modal';


A button with the only pourpose of showing the Modal.


Prop Required? PropType Description
modalToShow yes string The id of the Modal to be shown
onClick no func onClick function. It have as parameter the respective event object


    <ModalButton modalToShow="modal">Click to Show Modal!</ModalButton>


  • ModalButton


    // JS require format
    var ModalButton = require("react-candy/Modal").ModalButton;

    // ES6 import syntax
    import { ModalButton } from 'react-candy/Modal';


A form that is auto-mounted with a prototipe.


Prop PropType Required? defaultValue Description
title string no - A title to the form
prototipe object yes - The prototipe to be used on the form composition
method string no 'post' The form's action method ('GET', 'POST', ...)
action string no - Form's action when submited
readOnly bool no false Makes the entire form read-only
submitLabel string no - The label of the submit button
prefill object no - An object with the default values for the inputs, with the shape of {inputName: value}
prefilled bool no false A flag indicating whether or not the form is prefilled
className string no - The form's placeholder class
innerFormClass string no - The class of the form tag itself
id string no - The form's placeholder id
innerFormId string no - The id of the form tag itself
events object no - An object containing the Form events. E.g: {onClick: ()=>{...}}

prototipe, prefill and events

Those three objects that are given to the <PrototipedForm> needs to follow some special rules:


The prototipe prop is the most important prop for this component, because all the form is composed based on it. To mount the prototipe object you need to list all the form inputs as object params and, as <PrototipedForm> uses the <Input> component to compose, attrib to them an object with the <Input> component props:

Check out <Input> props

    name: {label: "Name", id: "name"},
    age: {type: "number", label: "Age", id: "age", defaultValue: 18},
    cpf: {type: "cpf", label: "CPF", id: "cpf", name: 'cpf', required: true},
    cash: {type: "money", label: "Donation", id: 'donation', name: 'cash', required: true, money: "R$", defaultValue: 5.00}
About the defaultValue

It's recomended to be put a defaultValue here only if it's constant (For example: You want the donators to be at least eighteen years old or you want to set a minimun amount of cash) and you probably don't want to be handling a record that comes from the server directly on the prototipe, as it is meant to be only the form skelleton.

So there is a more malleable prop for you to do that, and it's the:


The prefill prop is an object with the default value for each input on the form. It's shape is:

        name: "João Clebson",
        age: 21,
        cpf: 76927237615,
        cash: 45.00,


The events are given just like the prefill object:

        onSubmit: ()=>{...},
        onReset: ()=>{...}

Events won't work outside of the object.


    // JS require format
    var PrototipedForm = require("react-candy/PrototipedForm");

    // ES6 import syntax
    import { PrototipedForm } from 'react-candy/PrototipedForm';


A search field optimized for tables.


Prop PropType required? Description
defaultField string yes Default field to search
onSearch func no Function to run when the field changes
fieldsToSearch array of string yes Array of fields to search
onSubmit func no Function to run when the "Enter" key is pressed


  • SearchField
  • SearchFieldMagnifier
  • SearchFieldInput
  • SearchFieldButtonPlaceholder
    • SearchFieldButton

The onSearch and onSubmit functions

The onSearch and onSubmit functions passes as parameter the search text and the search field.

    onSearch(searchText, searchField)
    onSubmit(searchText, searchField)

And they need to be implemented on the calling component.


    <SearchField defaultField="id" fieldsToSearch={["id", "name"]} onSearch={...} onSubmit={...}/>
    <SearchField defaultField="id" fieldsToSearch={["id"]} onSubmit={this._search}/>


    // JS require format
    var SearchField = require("react-candy/SearchField");

    // ES6 import syntax
    import { SearchField } from 'react-candy/SearchField';


A table of values to apply the CRUDs RUD operations.


Prop PropType required? Description
onSelect func yes Function to execute when an item is selected (clicked)
onRead func no Function to execute when an item's read button is pressed
onUpdate func no Function to execute when an item's update button is pressed
onDelete func no Function to execute when an item's delete button is pressed
content array of object yes The array of objects to fill the table
permissions shape of {read: bool, update: bool, delete: bool} or {r: bool, u: bool, d: bool} no Permission object to controll wich operation buttons will be available


  • Selection
    • SelectionTable
      • SelectionHead
        • SelectionHeadRow/SelectionRow
          • SelectionHeadCell
      • SelectionBody
        • SelectionBodyRow/SelectionRow
          • SelectionBodyCell/SelectionCell
          • SelectionButtonCell/SelectionCell
            • SelectionButtonRead/SelectionButton
            • SelectionButtonUpdate/SelectionButton
            • SelectionButtonDelete/SelectionButton


The content param is an array of objects in wich the keys are the table indexes and the values are the cell contents.

        {id: 0, name: 'João'},
        {id: 1, name: 'Maria'},
        {id: 2, name: 'José'},

Would result in something like:

Id Name
0 João
1 Maria
2 José

With operation buttons on the right of each item

Table header index

The table index is mounted based on the first content's object's keys and capitalized using the capitalFirst function


The permissions parameter is a shape of whether

{read: `bool`, update: `bool`, delete: `bool`}


{r: `bool`, u: `bool`, d: `bool`}


    <Selection content={[...]} permissions={r: true, u: false, d: false} onSelect={this._doSomething} onRead={this._doAnotherThing} />


    // JS require format
    var Selection = require("react-candy/Selection");

    // ES6 import syntax
    import { Selection } from 'react-candy/Selection';

Author Notes

React Candy is a bunch of Components created and updated on-the-fly as I work on projects for my clients and fell the need of anything while working. Also, after wich work I'll probably update this repository a little more with new Component ideas I've created on that project.

If React Candy helped your life|work to get a little bit easier, feel free to help this project by posting a pull request with what you think that could turn our life|work and the other users a little bit easier too. Or if it didn't, feel free to help improving this project by posting another pull request with what needs improvement.

In any case. Thank you so much!

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  • joaokrejci