
1.0.2 • Public • Published




Basic usage

import RnScrolltabView from 'ray-rn-scrolltab';

  <Page01 tabLabel="page1" />
  <Page02 tabLabel="page2" />
  <Page03 tabLabel="page3" />

// not render tab bar
<RnScrolltabView renderTabBar={false}>
  <Page01 tabLabel="page1" />
  <Page02 tabLabel="page2" />
  <Page03 tabLabel="page3" />

Custom Tab Bar

Suppose we had a custom tab bar called CustomTabBar or use DefaultTabBar, we would inject it into our RnScrolltabView like this:

import RnScrolltabView, { DefaultTabBar, ScrollTabBar } from 'ray-rn-scrolltab';

<RnScrolltabView renderTabBar={() => <DefaultTabBar />}>
  <Page01 tabLabel="page1" />
  <Page02 tabLabel="page2" />
  <Page03 tabLabel="page3" />

// or
// import CustomTabBar from './CustomTabBar';
<RnScrolltabView renderTabBar={() => <CustomTabBar {...yourProp} />}>
  <Page01 tabLabel="page1" />
  <Page02 tabLabel="page2" />
  <Page03 tabLabel="page3" />

more example

import RnScrolltabView, { ScrollTabBar } from 'ray-rn-scrolltab';

export default () => {
  return <RnScrolltabView
    style={{marginTop: 20, }}
    renderTabBar={() => <ScrollTabBar />}
    <Text tabLabel='Tab#1'>My</Text>
    <Text tabLabel='Tab#2 word word'>favorite</Text>
    <Text tabLabel='Tab#3 word word word'>project</Text>
    <Text tabLabel='Tab#4 word word word word'>favorite</Text>
    <Text tabLabel='Tab#5'>project</Text>

// Overlay
import { ScrollView } from 'react-native';
export default () => {
  return <RnScrolltabView
    renderTabBar={()=><DefaultTabBar backgroundColor='rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.7)' />}
    <ScrollView tabLabel='iOS'>
      <Image source={require('./1.png')}/>
      <Image source={require('./2.png')}/>
      <Image source={require('./3.png')}/>
      <Image source={require('./4.png')}/>
    <ScrollView tabLabel='Android'>
      <Image source={require('./1.png')}/>
      <Image source={require('./2.png')}/>
      <Image source={require('./3.png')}/>
      <Image source={require('./4.png')}/>


Prop Type Default description
renderTabBar function: return ReactComponent - accept 1 argument props and should return a component to use as the tab bar. The component has goToPage, tabs, activeTab and ref added to the props, and should implement setAnimationValue to be able to animate itself along with the tab content. You can manually pass the props to the TabBar component. also if renderTabBar = false, will not render tab bar
tabBarPosition string top tab bar position `bottom
onChangeTab function - function to call when tab changes, should accept 1 argument which is an Object containing two keys: i: the index of the tab that is selected, ref: the ref of the tab that is selected
onScroll function - function to call when the pages are sliding, should accept 1 argument which is an Float number representing the page position in the slide frame.
locked boolean false disables horizontal dragging to scroll between tabs, default is false
initialPage Integer - the index of the initially selected tab, defaults to 0 === first tab.
page Integer - set selected tab
children ReactComponents - each top-level child component should have a tabLabel prop that can be used by the tab bar component to render out the labels. The default tab bar expects it to be a string, but you can use anything you want if you make a custom tab bar.
tabBarUnderlineStyle View.propTypes.style style of the default tab bar's underline.
tabBarBackgroundColor String color of the default tab bar's background, defaults to white
tabBarActiveTextColor String color of the default tab bar's text when active, defaults to '#fb3500'
tabBarInactiveTextColor String color of the default tab bar's text when inactive, defaults to black
tabBarTextStyle Object Additional styles to the tab bar's text. Example: {fontFamily: 'Roboto', fontSize: 15}
style View.propTypes.style
contentProps Bool props that are applied to root ScrollView/ViewPagerAndroid. Note that overriding defaults set by the library may break functionality; see the source for details.
scrollWithoutAnimation Bool on tab press change tab without animation.
prerenderingSiblingsNumber Integer pre-render nearby # sibling, Infinity === render all the siblings, default to 0 === render current page.






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