RandomColorGiver help the user to generate random color and convert the HEXA colors to rgb colors.
const randomcolor = require("randomcolorgiver");
PackageName.FunctionName(Arguments List, if any)
generateRandomRGB({Red: number, Green: number, Blue: number, opacity: float, format: string})
It generates RGB and RGBA. The constraints can also be passed for Red, Green, Blue, opacity, format. The constraints are optional. If a constraint is not provided, the package will randomly generate that constraint. By default, the format is 'rgb'. The format should be either 'rgb' or 'rgba'
contraints min max Red 0 255 Green 0 255 Blue 0 255 opacity 0 1
- generateRandomRGB({Red: 5, Green: 10, Blue: 100, opacity: 0.1}) => 'rgb(5, 10, 100, 0.1)'
- generateRandomRGB({Red: 5, Blue: 100, opacity: 0.1}) => 'rgb(5, 89, 100, 0.1)'
- generateRandomRGB() => 'rgb(9, 6, 227, 0.6)'
- generateRandomRGB({Red: 5, Green: 10, Blue: 100, opacity: 0.1, format: 'rgba'}) => 'rgba(5, 10, 100, 0.1)'
generateHEXcolor(number count)
It returns a valid hexa color string. By default, the count is 6. It accepts 3 or 6. Example:
- generateHEXcolor() or generateHEXcolor(6) => #F9323C
- generateHEXcolor(3) => #0CC
convertRGBtoHEX(string rgbValue)
It take rgb string as argument and give its corresponding hexa color as output. Example: 'rgb(0, 33 ,70)' => #002A46 ,'rgb(0, 330 ,70)' => throws error
generateHSL({hue: number, saturation: number, lightness: number, opacity: float, format: string})
It generates HSL and HSLA. The constraints can also be passed for hue, saturation, lightness, opacity, format. The constraints are optional. If a constraint is not provided, the package will randomly generate that constraint. By default, the format is 'hsl'. The format should be either 'hsl' or 'hsla'
contraints min max hue 0 360 saturation 0 100 lightness 0 100 opacity 0 1
- generateHSL({hue: 5, saturation: 10, lightness: 100, opacity: 0.1}) => 'hsl(5, 10%, 100%, 0.1)'
- generateHSL({hue: 5, lightness: 100, opacity: 0.1}) => 'hsl(5, 16%, 100%, 0.1)'
- generateHSL() => 'hsl(173, 80%, 90%, 0.3)'
- generateHSL({hue: 5, saturation: 10, lightness: 100, opacity: 0.1, format: 'hsla'}) => 'hsla(5, 10%, 100%, 0.1)'