Rable.js-auth is the official authentication extention to rable.js.
Use the package manager npm to install rable.js, rable.js-api and rable.js-auth.
npm install rable.js rable.js-api rable.js-auth
The index.js and the files within /views/, /elements/, /assets/ and /dataStore/ are there as an example and being used in development. In case you want to to try it out, do as follows: For this example git and npm need to be installed on your system.
git clone https://github.com/kearfy/rable.js-auth rablejs-auth-example && cd rablejs-auth-example && npm install && cd lib && npm install && cd ../
node .
The example is now available through port 3003. You can also take a look at the publicly hosted example over here: https://rable-auth.app.michadevries.nl
See https://rable-auth.app.michadevries.nl/docs/ for further documentation.
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change. Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.