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0.1.40 • Public • Published

qooxdoo command line interface

NOTE This project has been merged into the qooxdoo-compiler project; please uninstall qx-cli and switch to qooxdoo-compiler:

$ npm uninstall -g qx-cli
$ npm install -g qxcompiler

Build Status

This command line utility allows you create, build and manage qooxdoo applications.

Develoment status

Beta. The API is still likely to change, but not fundamentally.


  • Node Currently requires NodeJS v8. The released version will be transpiled to support earlier node versions, but whichever version you choose to use we recommend you consider nvm to ease installing and switching between node versions - you can find the Linux version at and there is a version for Windows at

Install nvm and then:

nvm install 8
nvm use 8


  • Install qx-cli, create a sample application and compile it
npm install -g qx-cli
qx create myapp
cd myapp
qx compile

Installation for Development

  • Install qx-cli
git clone
cd qx-cli
npm install
  • In order to have a globally callable executable, do the following:
npm link
  • If you want to use an unreleased version of qxcompiler, download it with git clone and npm link path/to/qxcompiler from the qx-cli directory.

  • If you want to use an unreleased version of qooxdoo, download it with git clone and npm link path/to/qooxdoo from the qx-cli directory.

  • Pay attention: the linking must be repeated after an npm install. npm install substitutes the links with the NPM modules.

Example command line usage

qx create myapp -I # creates the foo application skeleton non-interactively 
cd myapp
# (optional) install contrib libraries 
qx contrib update # updates the local cache with information on available contribs  
qx contrib list # lists contribs compatible with myapp's qooxdoo version, determine installation candidate 
qx contrib install johnspackman/UploadMgr # install UploadMgr contrib library  
# compile the application, using the compile.json default configuration values  
qx compile

Use --all if you don't get any contribs listed or if the ones you are looking for are missing. The reason is that they might not declare compatibility to the qooxdoo version you are using yet, even though they are technically compatible.



Typical usage:
  qx <commands> [options]

Type qx <command> --help for options and subcommands.

  compile [configFile]                      compiles the current application,
                                            using compile.json
  contrib <command> [options]               manages qooxdoo contrib libraries
  create <application namespace> [options]  creates a new qooxdoo project.
  upgrade [options]                         upgrades a qooxdoo application

To see the subcommands parameters and options, just type in qx <command>.


To compile a qooxdoo project into a state that can be opened in a browser, use qx compile. This is the CLI frontend for the qooxdoo-compiler library. The command has the following options:

qx compile [options] [configFile]

  --all-targets             Compile all targets in config file         [boolean]
  --target                  Set the target type: source, build, hybrid or class
                            name                    [string] [default: "source"]
  --output-path             Base path for output                        [string]
  --locale                  Compile for a given locale                   [array]
  --write-all-translations  enables output of all translations, not just those
                            that are explicitly referenced             [boolean]
  --set                     sets an environment value                    [array]
  --app-class               sets the application class                  [string]
  --app-theme               sets the theme class for the current application
  --app-name                sets the name of the current application    [string]
  --library                 adds a library                               [array]
  --watch                   enables continuous compilation             [boolean]
  --verbose                 enables additional progress output to console

The compiler relies on the information contained in compile.json. Documentation for the compile.json format is here.

Create a new project

You can create new project skeletons by using the qx create command` It has the following options:

  --type, -t            Type of the application to create.              [string]
  --out, -o             Output directory for the application content.
  --namespace, -s       Top-level namespace.
  --name, -n            Name of application/library (defaults to namespace).
  --qxpath              Path to the folder containing the qooxdoo framework.
  --theme               The name of the theme to be used.    [default: "indigo"]
  --icontheme           The name of the icon theme to be used.
                                                             [default: "Oxygen"]
  --noninteractive, -I  Do not prompt for missing values
  --verbose, -v         Verbose logging

The fastest way to create a new project is to execute qx create foo -I. This will create a new application with the namespace "foo", using default values. However, in most cases you wamt to customize the generated application skeleton. qx create foo will interactively ask you all information it needs, providing default values where possible. If you are in the top-level folder of the application and want to put the application content into it without creating a subfolder (for example, in a top-level folder of a cloned empty GitHub project), use --out=..

qooxdoo-contrib system

qooxdoo's "plugin architecture" is called "qooxdoo-contrib" (short for "contributions"). It does not only allow to extend one's own application with useful functionality such as file uploads, dialog widgets, vector graphics and much more, qooxdoo-contrib will also host components that have previously shipped with the framework, such as the API viewer or the playground. The CLI supports the use, creation and mainenance of contributions with the qx contrib subcommands.

qx contrib <command> [options]

  install [repository]  installs the latest compatible release of a contrib
                        library (as per Manifest.json). Use "-r <release tag>"
                        to install a particular release.
  list [repository]     if no repository name is given, lists all available
                        contribs that are compatible with the project's qooxdoo
                        version ("--all" lists incompatible ones as well).
                        Otherwise, list all compatible contrib libraries.
  publish               publishes a new release of the contrib on GitHub.
                        Requires a GitHub access token. By default, makes a
                        patch release.
  remove [repository]   removes a contrib library from the configuration.
  update [repository]   updates information on contrib libraries from github.
                        Has to be called before the other commands.

Please see the detailed documentation here.

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  • cboulanger
  • hkollmann
  • johnspackman
  • oetiker
  • qooxdoo_admin