
4.1.0 • Public • Published


Target Node v6.4+

Creates processors that convert query objects into MongoDB queries. Supports common MongoDB operators, wildcards, and more.


Added support for field projections and fixed issues in the internal options builder to work with newer versions of NodeJS.

Table of Contents


  • Easy configuration.

  • Supports common MongoDB operators.

  • Simple query string syntax.

  • Ensures that only the fields defined in the options are allowed in the MongoDB filter.

  • Allows one or more aliases for each field.

  • Supports wildcards for nested fields.

  • Allows setting default values to be used when query parameters are missing.

  • Supports field projections

  • Easy to add middleware to Express/Connect routes.


npm install qproc-mongo



const qproc = require('qproc-mongo');
const options = {
  fields: {
    _id: {
      type: qproc.ObjectId,
      alias: 'id'
    category: qproc.String,
    date: qproc.Date,
    count: qproc.Int,
    cost: qproc.Float
const proc = qproc.createProcessor(options);
const q = {
  category: 'in:a,b',
  date: 'gt:2018-01-01,lt:2019-01-01',
  count: 'lt:1000',
  cost: 'gte:299.99'
  filter: {
    category: { '$in': ['a', 'b'] },
    { '$gt': '2018-01-01T00:00:00.000Z',
      '$lt': '2019-01-01T00:00:00.000Z' },
    count: { '$lt': 1000 },
    cost: { '$gte': 299.99 }
  limit: 0,
  skip: 0
  sort: {},


// require module
const qproc = require('qproc-mongo');
// create middleware
const qp = qproc.createMiddleware({
  fields: {
    _id: {
      type: qproc.ObjectId,
      alias: 'id'
    category: qproc.String,
    date: qproc.Date,
    count: qproc.Int,
    cost: qproc.Float
app.use('/api', qp, (req, res) => {
  const { filter, limit, skip, sort } = req.qproc;
    .toArray((err, docs) => {
      if (err) {
        return res.status(500).json(err);


Filter Operators

Operator Description Example Query String
eq Equal ?field=value
ne Not equal ?field=ne:value
in In a list of values - Multiple values separated by a , ?field=in:a,b,c
nin Not in a list of values - Multiple values separated by a , ?field=nin:a,b,c
gt Greater than ?field=gt:value
gte Greater than or equal to ?field=gte:value
lt Less than ?field=lt:value
lte Less than or equal to ?field=lte:value
all Contains all values - Multiple values separated by a , ?field=all:a,b,c
regex Regular expression - only works with String fields ?field=regex:/^text/i

Sort Operators

The sort order operators need to be before the field name they will operate on. The default sort order is ascending when a sort order operator is not present.

Operator Description Example Query String
asc Ascending ?field=value&sort=asc:field
desc Descending ?field=value&sort=desc:field

Projection Operators

The projection operators need to be before the field to include or exclude in the query result.

Operator Description Example Query String
+ Include (default if no operator is provided) field=value&proj=+field or field=value&proj=field
- Exclude field=value&proj=-field

At this time, if field projections are provided, they should all use the same operator, otherwise the default projection {} will be in the qproc result. This is because MongoDB does not support the combination of include and exclude statements in projections. MongoDB does support different include/exclude statements for the _id field, but this is not supported in qproc-mongo at this time.


Option Default Description
fields {} key:value pairs that identify query filter fields and their associated types, defaults, and aliases
meta {} key:value pairs that identify fields that will be allowed in the meta property
limitKey limit used to identify the limit parameter
skipKey skip used to identify the skip parameter
sortKey sort used to identify the sort parameter
projKey proj used to identify the field projection parameter
searchKey search used to identify the search parameter

Field Types

When defining the field type, use the types available in the qproc-mongo module or use the below values directly.

Type Value qproc = require('qproc-mongo')
Int 'int' qproc.Int
Float 'float' qproc.Float
String 'string' qproc.String
Boolean 'boolean' qproc.Boolean
ObjectId 'objectId' qproc.ObjectId


Define which fields are allowed in the filter result and what type they are expected to be. Default values, including functions, should return valid MongoDB query filters.

const qproc = require("qproc-mongo");
const options = {
  fields: {
    _id: {
      type: qproc.ObjectId,
      alias: 'id'
    category: {
      type: qproc.String
    date: {
      type: qproc.Date,
      alias: ['time', 'timestamp']
    count: qproc.Int,
    cost: qproc.Float,
const processor = qproc.createProcessor(options);


Meta definitions keep non-filter related fields out of the field definitions so they don't have to be culled from the filter before executing a query. Meta definitions are defined the same way as field definitions, but meta definition default values do not have to be MongoDB filters.

const qproc = require('qproc-mongo');
const options = {
  fields: {
    _id: {
      type: qproc.ObjectId,
      alias: 'id'
    category: {
      type: qproc.String
  meta: {
    calculateTotals: {
      type: qproc.Boolean,
      default: false
const processor = qproc.createProcessor(options);


Define one or more aliases for a field in the field definition. Aliased fields are ignored if the field they are an alias for already exists in the query object. Wildcards are not supported in aliases.

Defining aliases in the field definition:

const qproc = require("qproc-mongo");
const processor = qproc.createProcessor({
  fields: {
    _id: {
      type: qproc.ObjectId
      alias: 'id'
    'location.0': {
      type: qproc.Float,
      alias: ['longitude', 'lng', 'x']
    'location.1': {
      type: qproc.Float,
      alias: ['latitude', 'lat', 'y']


Field definitions support defaults which can be a value or a function that returns a value. Default values, including functions, should return valid MongoDB filters.

const qproc = require('qproc-mongo');
const processor = qproc.createProcessor({
  fields: {
    _id: qproc.ObjectId,
    date: {
      type: qproc.Date,
      default: () => {
        return {
          $gt: new Date(Date.now() - 30000),
          $lt: new Date(Date.now())


Important: Do not blindly use the projection in the qproc result for documents that contain sensitive data. You should use your own projections on the server side for collections containing sensitive data like passwords, salts, hashes, etc.

Field projections control which fields are included or excluded in the documents returned from a query. All field definitions, by default, are allowed to be used in projections. To disallow a field from being used in projections, set the projection property of the field to false.

NOTE: Wildcards are currently not supported for field projections.

const qproc = require('qproc-mongo');
const processor = qproc.createProcessor({
  fields: {
    _id: {
      type: qproc.ObjectId,
      projection: false // will not be allowed
    name: {
      type: qproc.String // will be allowed

It is possible to allow projections for fields that are not in the field definitions. This is useful for allowing non-queryable fields (any field not in the field definitions) to still be selectively inlcuded or excluded by a user.

const qproc = require('qproc-mongo');
const processor = qproc.createProcessor({
  fields: {
    _id: {
      type: qproc.ObjectId,
      projection: false
    name: qproc.String
  projections: ['type']


Field definitions support nested wildcards.

Example database record:

  "_id": "id",
  "counts": {
    "a": 1,
    "b": 1,
    "c": 1
  "metrics": {
    "example_1": {
      "count": 1
    "example_2": {
      "count": 2

Define options to query the nested fields.

const qproc = require('qproc-mongo');
const options = {
  fields: {
    _id: qproc.ObjectId,
    'counts.*': qproc.Int,
    'metrics.*.counts': qproc.Int


Keys for limit, skip, sort, proj, and search can be customized in the options. The keys you define will be the same in the qproc result.

const qproc = require("qproc-mongo");
const processor = qproc.createProcessor({
  fields: {
    _id: {
      type: qproc.ObjectId,
      alias: [ 'id' ]
  limitKey: "count",
  skipKey: "offset",
  sortKey: "orderBy",
  projKey: "projection",
  searchKey: "q"
  count: '10',
  offset: '20',
  orderBy: 'asc:date',
  projection: '-id'
  filter: {...},
  count: 10,
  offset: 20,
  orderBy: {date: 1},
  projection: {_id: 0}


The qproc result now has an info property that contains information about the query. This can be useful for metrics, safety, and security. The data in the info property looks like this:

  "fieldCount": 10,
  "aliasCount": 2,
  "metaCount": 1,
  "projCount": 2,
  "regexCount": 1,
  "regexList": [

IMPORTANT: For system security and stability, the regexCount and the regexList should be checked to ensure that there aren't too many and that the expressions are not malicious. Use a regex analyzer, like safe-regex, to check if a regex is safe.


Basic Filter

Request Query String


qproc Result

  filter: {
    type: {$eq: 'a'},
    date: {$ne: null}
  /* omitted */

Basic Filter with Aliased Field

Request Query String


req.qproc Result

  filter: {
    _id: {$eq: '1'}
  /* omitted */

Filter with Ranges

Request Query String


req.qproc Result

  filter: {
    date: {
      $gte: '2018-01-01T00:00:00.000Z',
      $lt: '2019-01-01T00:00:00.000Z'
    cost: {
      $gt: 30.0,
      $lt: 100.0
  /* omitted */

Filter and Sort

Request Query String


req.qproc Result

  filter: {
    type: {$eq: 'a'}
  sort: {
    date: 1
  /* omitted */

Using in: to Filter with a List of Values

Request Query String


req.qproc Result

  filter: {
    type: {
      $in: ['a', 'b'];
  /* omitted */

Using nin: to Filter with a List of Values

Request Query String


req.qproc Result

  filter: {
    type: {
      $nin: ['a', 'b'];
  /* omitted */

Using Limit and Skip

Request Query String


req.qproc Result

  filter: {
    name: { $in: [ 'a','b','c' ] }
  limit: 100,
  skip: 200,
  /* omitted */

Using regex: to Search String Fields

Request Query String


req.qproc Result

  filter: {
    description: { $regex: /^text/gi}
  /* omitted */

Nested Fields

Example database record:

  "_id": "5d585f1c055ae70bd45bcd49",
  "location": {
    "type": "Point",
    "coordinates": [30.4, -90.2]
  "timestamp": "2019-01-01T00:00:00.000Z"

Example options to support nested fields:

const qproc = require('qproc-mongo');
const processor = qproc.createProcessor({
  fields: {
    'location.coordinates.0': {
      type: qproc.Float,
      alias: ['longitude', 'lng', 'x']
    'location.coordinates.1': {
      type: qproc.Float,
      alias: ['latitude', 'lat', 'y']
  longitude: 'gt:35,lt:34',
  latitude: 'lt:-92,gte:-94'
  filter: {
    'location.coordinates.0': { $gt: 35, $lt: 34 },
    'location.coordinates.1': { $lt: -92, $gte: -94 }
  sort: {},
  limit: 0,
  skip: 0

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