
1.0.0 • Public • Published

QJsearch - A search component depend on Vue3 and Element-Plus

  • 💪 Vue 3 Composition API
  • 🔥 Written in Javascript

Getting Started

Allright, if you want to implement a quick search, maybe you could use this. It mainly includes common form search and quick list search. Hope it can help complete your work smoothly



npm install qjsearch 


cnpm install qjsearch


yarn add qjsearch


This is a Component for Vue So you can registere it in Vue

  1. 引入注册
import Vue from 'vue'
import QJsearch from 'qjsearch'
  1. 在模板中使用
  • searchData:搜索条件数据(Array | Object)
  • initVisibleCount: 收起展示得行数(rows)
  • searchFn:触发搜索得回调函数
<QJsearch :searchData="searchData" :initVisibleCount="2" @searchFn="searchCallback" />

Field Definitions

  1. type: 搜索条件类型
    1. input 普通表单
    2. inputNumber 数字类型表单
    3. inputNumberRange 数字区间表单
    4. radio 表单单选
    5. checkbox 表单复选
    6. select 表单下拉
    7. dateRange / datetimeRange / qkdateRange / qkdatetimeRange 时间区间选择(年-月-日 / 年 - 月 - 日 时:分:秒) (qk + 'xxx' 携带快速选择范围:昨天、一周内... 可自定义)
    8. list 列表快速选择
    9. cascader 级联选择
    10. btns 按钮区域(btn / folderbtn / textbtn)
  2. propValueName: 参数字段prop
  3. labelName: 表单label name
  4. placeholder:表单placehoder(xxx + range 类型:placeholder1 placeholder2)
  5. labelVisibel:label是否可见 默认是可见得
  6. searchVal: 搜索条件value值
  7. display: block / inline 块级 or 行内
  8. wrapperCssText: 表单元素容器样式 (string / object)
  9. elplusCssText: 表单元素样式
  10. immediate:是否立即执行搜索 默认是 false
  11. suffixText:表单后缀量级单位
  12. disabledDate:不可选择时间区间
  13. more: 更多:Array 是一个自己选择条件集合
searchData -> eg:
const searchData = ref([
        type: 'input',
        propValueName: 'enterpriseName',
        labelName: '企业名称',
        labelVisibel: true,
        placeholder: '请输入企业名称',
        searchVal: '',
        display: 'inline',
        wrapperCssText: 'width: 400px',
        elplusCssText: { width: '400px' }, // 可以接受字符串或者对象格式
        immediate: false,
        type: 'btns',
        labelVisible: false,
        list: [
            type: 'folderbtn',
            text1: '展开更多筛选条件',
            text2: '收起更多筛选条件',
        attr: {
          display: 'inline',
        type: 'inputNumber',
        propValueName: 'num',
        labelName: '数量',
        labelVisibel: true,
        searchVal: '',
        immediate: false,
        type: 'inputNumberRange',
        propValueName: 'num',
        labelName: '数量',
        labelVisibel: true,
        searchVal: ['', ''],
        immediate: false,
        type: 'select',
        propValueName: 'regTimeList',
        labelName: '企业经营实力',
        labelVisibel: true,
        options: [
            name: '1年之内',
            id: '1',
            name: '2年之内',
            id: '2',
        immediate: false,
        multiple: true,
        more: [
            type: 'select',
            propValueName: 'financeList',
            options: [
                name: 'A轮',
                id: 'A',
                name: 'B轮',
                id: 'B',
            immediate: false,
            labelName: '融资轮次',
            elplusCssText: { width: '180px' },
            multiple: true,
            wrapperCssText: { 'margin-right': '20px' },
            type: 'inputNumberRange',
            propValueName: 'capital',
            searchVal: ['', ''],
            labelVisible: false,
            immediate: false,
            maxLength: 10,
            labelName: '注册资本',
            suffixText: '万注册资本',
            wrapperCssText: { 'margin-right': '20px' },
            type: 'dateRange',
            propValueName: 'recentVisitTime',
            labelName: '最近来访时间',

            immediate: false,
            disabledDate: time => {
              return time.getTime() >= Date.now() || time.getTime() < new Date('2022-01-31')
        type: 'list',
        propValueName: 'level',
        labelVisibel: true,
        options: [
            name: 'A轮',
            id: 'A',
            name: 'B轮',
            id: 'B',
        immediate: false,
        labelName: '企业等级',
        searchVal: ['A'],
        multiple: true,
        wrapperCssText: { 'margin-right': '20px' },
        type: 'qkdatetimeRange',
        propValueName: 'firstAccessTime',
        labelVisibel: true,
        labelName: '首访时间',
        immediate: false,
        disabledDate: time => {
          return time.getTime() >= Date.now() || time.getTime() < new Date('2022-01-31')
        options: [
            days: -1,
            label: '昨天',
            days: 0,
            label: '今天',
            days: -29,
            label: '最近1个月',
        type: 'radio',
        propValueName: 'years',
        labelName: '经营时长',
        labelVisibel: true,
        options: [
            name: '1年之内',
            id: '1',
            name: '2年之内',
            id: '2',
        immediate: false,
        type: 'checkbox',
        propValueName: 'years1',
        labelName: '经营时长',
        labelVisibel: true,
        options: [
            name: '1年之内',
            id: '1',
            name: '2年之内',
            id: '2',
        immediate: false,
        type: 'cascader',
        propValueName: 'industryList',
        labelName: '企业属性',
        options: [
            id: '1',
            name: '农、林、牧、渔业',
            subLit: [
                id: '2',
                name: '农业',
                subLit: [
                    id: '3',
                    name: '谷物种植',
                    subLit: null,
                    id: '8',
                    name: '豆类、油料和薯类种植',
                    subLit: null,
                    id: '12',
                    name: '棉、麻、糖、烟草种植',
                    subLit: null,
                    id: '17',
                    name: '蔬菜、食用菌及园艺作物种植',
                    subLit: null,
                    id: '22',
                    name: '水果种植',
                    subLit: null,
                    id: '28',
                    name: '坚果、含油果、香料和饮料作物种植',
                    subLit: null,
                    id: '34',
                    name: '中药材种植',
                    subLit: null,
                    id: '37',
                    name: '草种植及割草',
                    subLit: null,
                    id: '40',
                    name: '其他农业',
                    subLit: null,
        immediate: false,
        type: 'btns',
        labelVisibel: true,
        list: [
            type: 'btn',
            btnType: 'primary'

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  • zhaoquanjun