Pull Request For Trello
Create a Pull Request Using Trello Card Information Automatically
[sudo] npm install -g prtrello
Run prtrello
for the first time and you will be requested to setup your Github credentials and Trello Token.
About Trello Token
Since trello uses OAuth to authenticate, the tool can't get a fresh token automatically. With that in mind, you need to access https://trello.com/1/authorize?key=31bf1b83dbdaeb38fe6a7b29ef9132de&name=prtrello&expiration=never&response_type=token
to get a new token. This token has no expiration date.
About Github Personal Access Token
You will need to use a personal access token from github. You can generate one in this page here https://github.com/settings/tokens
How the PR looks like:
Title: [#shortTaskId] The title of the card Description: the shortlink of the task
After your setup, the next time you use the tool you will receive these questions:
[Github]: Enter the repository name: [djalmaaraujo/pull-request-trello]:
[Github]: Enter the title or use this: [#3whHnQaF] PR trello test card:
[Github]: Enter the description or use this: https://trello.com/c/3whHnQaF:
[Github]: Do you have any extra comments? Leave blank for nothing:
[Github]: Enter the branch name of your task: [new-trello-id]:
[Github]: This pull-request should be merge into: [master]:
[Github]: Opening Pull Request...
PR Opened (https://github.com/djalmaaraujo/pull-request-trello/pull/7) shipit! :D
[Trello] Adding Pull Request url to the card...
At this time, your pull-request is open and the PR url is posted on your trello task.
You can use prtrello -t taskID
to skip the task question.