
0.3.2 • Public • Published

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Dev setup

  • npm run lint - runs ESLint.
  • npm test and npm run tdd - runs Karma/Mocha/Chai/Phantom. Code coverage report is generated through istanbul/isparta to build/.
  • npm start - runs the development server at localhost:8080 and use Hot Module Replacement. You can override the default host and port through env (HOST, PORT).
  • npm version <x.y.<> - updates /dist and package.json with the new version and create a version tag to Git.
  • npm publish - pushes a new version to npm and updates the project site.

What else could be added?

  • A good UX when changing either min and max. I don't believe I've seen this done well before but here are a few quick ideas:
    • Moving the progress back to the left is probably not ever a good option
    • Make the filled bar thinner to signify that it's got more distance to travel. Kind of weird.
    • Temporarily show some labels on an x-axis. Imagine updating max and then suddenly the axis labels appear and then it updates the right-side to the new max value while the left side changes to a new amount so that the right most position of the filled amount stays the same
  • A new prop to convey error / warning / success states which could add new css classname hooks and be available for the label
  • A better default label. This one just makes it easy to explain that you can pass a function that has access to the inner state of the component.
  • Different positioning of the label.
    • Right aligned inside the the progress bar and then left aligned to outside of it when there isn't enough progress to contain it. Stuff like that.
  • Better CSS customization
    • At the very least, explain the current BEM style class name hooks for easy theming
    • Research latest CSS/"JS-in-CSS" best practices. PostCSS, CSS Modules, etc?
  • This project could handle different other styles of progress indicators without changing much of the API. Like radial indicators, for example.


With default props (they're not needed here):

  label={/* "defaultLabel" function export from same file */}

Custom label and "alternate" css styles that are also available in the source code. Hint: The css is currently the best reference adding your own custom styling

  label={(percent, max, value, indeterminate) => ( indeterminate ?
    'Figuring out how to load your stuff' :
    `${percent}% of your stuff has loaded`

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  • dylanharrington