Dump minecraft packets
node bin/generateLogs.js 1.16.1
node bin/verifyPackets.js 1.16.1
const { MineflayerLog, PacketVerifier, Direction } = require('prismarine-packet-dumper');
const fsP = require('fs').promises;
let packetLogger = new MineflayerLog({ version: '1.16.1', outputDirectory: 'packets' });
packetLogger.start('localhost', 25565);
// then, later:
let verifier = new PacketVerifier({ version: '1.16.1' });
verifier.verify(await fsP.readFile('packets/from-server/00000000'), Direction.ServerToClient);
Manually dump packets
In order to dump packets from the vanilla client, there is a script called clientProxy
In order to use, you run it with the server ip you would want to connect to, then connect with your client to localhost:25566
If you would like to use this without cloning from github, you can install it globally by following this guide:
Global install
$ npm i -g prismarine-packet-dumper
$ clientProxy <mc_version> <server_ip> [port] [packets_folder]
For $ node dumpPackets.js --help
Usage: dumpPackets.js [options]
-v, --version, --ver The mc version to dump [string] [required]
-o, --outputFolder, --output Where to save the dumped packets
[string] [default: "output"]
-h, --help Show help [boolean]
-d, --dryrun Run dumper but only save stats files
[boolean] [default: false]
for more information visit
For Used to generate global packet stats, like the ones commented on each pr to this repo.
How to use:
- make a folder (ie: packets)
- dump many minecraft versions into packets folder, their folder names must be their semver number/snapshot name (ie 1.8.9 or 21w07a), the packets put in this repo should follow the same format as when dumped from clientProxy.js or dumpPackets.js
- enter the packets directory and run the tool metricAggregator.js
- you should now have a file called in the root of the packets/ directory