Provides a JavaScript source file preprocessor, e.g. to build different versions of a library. It's for example used to build ProtoBuf.js (its build and main script are quite good examples).
- Includes (always relative to the
, defaults to "."):
...// #include "path/to/file.js"...
- Static conditions:
// #ifdef FULLconsole;// #include "path/to/extension.js"// #elseconsole;// #endif
- Inverse static conditions:
// #ifndef FULLconsole;// #elseconsole;// #include "path/to/extension.js"// #endif
- Evaluable conditions:
// #if 1==2console;// #elif 2==2console;// #endif
- Inline variables and functions:
// #define var PI=Math.PI// #define function RADTODEG(x){return x*180/PI}var angle = // #put RADTODEG(3)+";"
Writing the result of evaluated expressions:
var version = // #put '"'+VERSION+'";"'var str = // #put "\"Hello world!\";"var onePlusOne = // #put (1+1)+";"
- CommonJS compatible
- RequireJS/AMD compatible
- Shim compatible (include the script, then use var ByteBuffer = dcodeIO.ByteBuffer;)
- node.js compatible, also available via npm
- Closure Compiler ADVANCED_OPTIMIZATIONS compatible (fully annotated,
has been compiled this way,
is the source map) - Fully documented using jsdoc3
- Well tested through nodeunit
- Zero production dependencies
- Small footprint
Command line utility
Install via npm: npm -g install preprocessor
Command line
Usage: preprocess sourceFile [baseDirectory] [-myKey[=myValue], ...] [> outFile]
preprocess Source.js . -FULL=true > Source.full.js
The API is quite simple:
var result = mainFileSource baseDirectoryOrIncludes;
with baseDirectoryOrIncludes
being either a string containing the path to the base directory or an object of included
sources by filename. When running in a browser, only the later is supported.
node.js / CommonJS
var Preprocessor = ;var source = "..."; // e.g. through fs.readFilevar pp = source ".";console;
RequireJS / AMD
Browser / shim
Note: To use the #include
directive in the browser, do not specify the base directory but an object of included
sources by filename:
var Preprocessor = dcodeIOPreprocessor;var source = "..."; // e.g. through. $.ajaxvar pp = source "./includes/extension.js": "var myVar = 2;" // <- #include "includes/extension.js";;
Using includes instead of a base directory like shown in the example above is supported regardless of the platform you are on.
Tests (& Examples)
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