
0.0.11 • Public • Published
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P(rocess) M(anager) for B(un)

npm npm

简体中文 | English

install bun

curl -fsSL | bash

install pm-bun

bun add -g pm-bun

use pmb

pmb -h
pmb <command> -h


  • ls Show list of service started by pmb
pmb ls 
  • monit Monitoring services started by pmb
pmb monit 
  • start Start a service from the entry file
# pmb start <entry-file-path> [-n name] [-s starter] [-a args]
pmb start path/app.ts
pmb start path/bun-app.ts -n app 
# using [bun] by default, equivalent to [-s bun]

pmb start path/bun-app.ts -n bun-app -s bun -a "--mode production"
pmb start path/node-app.js -n node-project -s node
pmb start path/deno-app.ts -n deno-project -s 'deno run -A'
  • stop Stop a service from the pid or name
# pmb stop <name-or-pid>
pmb stop node-app
pmb stop 12345
  • restart Restart a service from the name or pid
# pmb restart <name-or-pid> [-r]
pmb restart 12346
pmb restart bun-app
pmb restart bun-app -r   # reset the restRestartCount to the initial value
pmb restart 12346 -r 50  # reset the restRestartCount to 50
  • rm Stop and remove a service from the pid or name
# pmb rm <name-or-pid>
pmb rm deno-app
pmb rm 12347
  • log Show log of service from the pid or name
# pmb log [name-or-pid]
pmb log           # Show log of daemon
pmb log node-app  # Show log with the name of node-app
pmb log 12345     # Show log with the pid of 12345 
  • daemon Manage daemon process
# pmb daemon <status | start | stop | restart>
pmb daemon status
pmb daemon start
pmb daemon stop
pmb daemon restart
  • ui Show list of service started by pmb in browser
# pmb ui [-e] [-d]
pmb ui     # Show list of service started by pmb in browser
pmb ui -e  # enabled Web UI
pmb ui -d  # disabled Web UI
  • lang Switch display language between Chinese and English
pmb lang
  • upgrade Upgrade pm-bun
pmb upgrade 

Component Architecture Diagram

Package Sidebar


npm i pm-bun

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  • w-xuefeng