Pimatic plugin for the Opentherm gateway (http://otgw.tclcode.com/)
This plugin will connect to the OTMonitor Relay port.
In theory this plugin can also connect to the ethernet version of the gatway (UNTESTED!)
Configuration of OT Monitor
Download the Opentherm Monitor from: http://otgw.tclcode.com/download.html#utilities
For Raspberry take Linux-armhf as system.
Setup OT monitor to start with the relay server enabled AND relay OT messages to on. This can be done with the following command:
./otmonitor-ahf --daemon -f /opt/otmonitor/otmonitor.conf"
contents of /opt/otmonitor/otmonitor.conf: (you can choose your own loaction ofcourse)
web { enable true port 8080 nopass true}connection { device /dev/ttyUSB1 type serial enable true}server { enable true port 7686 relay true}
To autostart ot-monitor on boot on the raspberry pi you can use this file: https://gist.github.com/Fjuxx/8effac5e0d8338e07265#file-otmonitor-ahf
It assumes ot-monitor is placed in /opt/otmonitor/
place that file in /etc/init.d/
Then execute:
sudo update-rc.d otmonitor-ahf defaults
Configuration of Pimatic
You can load the plugin by editing your config.json
to include (host = OTmonitor IP port=Relay Port (default:7686)):
There are currently 2 devices for this plugin:
Main thermostat (Temperature sensor from the Opentherm gateway):
Heating thermostat: