Piccha is another library for tree data structure manipulation. The main difference is about the source data, a key-value map instead of a tree object, which can be useful in some cases.
Table of Contents
npm install piccha --save
const piccha = require("piccha");
// Creates a new tree
const tree = new piccha.Tree({
"/": "This is the root node",
"/lorem": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet",
"/lorem/ipsum": "Consectetur adipisicing elit",
// Gets a node from the tree
const node = tree.get("/lorem");
// Gets its parent
const parent = node.parent;
// Gets a children
const children = node.children.get("ipsum");
// Outputs: "lorem: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet"
console.log("%s: %s", node.name, node.value);
// Outputs: "Symbol(root): This is the root node"
console.log("%s: %s", parent.name, parent.value);
// Outputs: "ipsum: Consectetur adipisicing elit"
console.log("%s: %s", children.name, children.value);
// Watches for tree changes
tree.on("change", event => {
console.log("%s: %s -> %s", event.path, event.oldValue, event.newValue);
See the detailed API Reference.
Alexandre Breteau - @0xSeldszar
MIT © Alexandre Breteau