This helper library helps to create AWS EC2 instances that leverage CloudFormation initialization data. This is often an AWS::CloudFormation::Init resource, which contains a map of packages, commands, services, and more.
This is very much a work in progress, so only a subset of the commands are available. Pull requests are welcome and, I suspect, we will be rounding this library out over time as we encounter more CloudFormation conversions.
Please refer to the AWS Ruby on Rails example for a concrete example of this in action.
The following is an extracted snippet from this example, that creates a Ruby on Rails and MySQL EC2 VM:
import * as aws from "@pulumi/aws";
import * as ami from "./ami";
import * as config from "./config";
import { createUserData, renderConfigFile } from "pcloudinit";
const webSg = new aws.ec2.SecurityGroup("webServerSecurityGroup", {
description: "Enable HTTP and SSH access",
egress: [
{ protocol: "-1", fromPort: 0, toPort: 0, cidrBlocks: [ "" ] },
ingress: [
{ protocol: "tcp", fromPort: 22, toPort: 22, cidrBlocks: [ "" ] },
{ protocol: "tcp", fromPort: 80, toPort: 80, cidrBlocks: [ config.sshLocation ] },
const webServer = new aws.ec2.Instance("webServer", {
ami: ami.get(aws.config.requireRegion(), config.instanceType),
instanceType: config.instanceType,
securityGroups: [ ],
keyName: config.keyName,
userData: createUserData(
[ "install_ruby_2_3_1", "install_mysql", "configure_mysql", "install_application" ],
"install_ruby_2_3_1": {
files: {
"/tmp/install_ruby": {
content: renderConfigFile("./files/install_ruby", config),
mode: "000500",
owner: "root",
group: "root",
commands: {
"01_install_ruby": {
command: "/tmp/install_ruby > /var/log/install_ruby.log",
"install_mysql": {
packages: {
yum: [ "mysql", "mysql-server", "mysql-devel", "mysql-libs" ],
files: {
"/tmp/setup.mysql": {
content: renderConfigFile("./files/setup.mysql", config),
mode: "000400",
owner: "root",
group: "root",
services: {
"sysvinit": {
"mysqld": { enabled: true, ensureRunning: true },
"configure_mysql": {
commands: {
"01_set_mysql_root_password": {
command: `mysqladmin -u root password '${config.dbRootPassword}'`,
test: `$(mysql ${config.dbName} -u root --password='${config.dbRootPassword}' >/dev/null 2>&1 </dev/null); (( $? != 0 ))`,
"02_create_database": {
command: `mysql -u root --password='${config.dbRootPassword}' < /tmp/setup.mysql`,
test: `$(mysql ${config.dbName} -u root --password='${config.dbRootPassword}' >/dev/null 2>&1 </dev/null); (( $? != 0 ))`,
"03_cleanup": {
command: "rm /tmp/setup.mysql",
"install_application": {
files: {
"/tmp/database.yml": {
content: renderConfigFile("./files/database.yml", config),
mode: "000400",
owner: "root",
group: "root",
"/tmp/install_application": {
content: renderConfigFile("./files/install_application", config),
mode: "000500",
owner: "root",
group: "root",
"/home/ec2-user/start_application": {
content: renderConfigFile("./files/start_application", config),
mode: "000500",
owner: "root",
group: "root",
commands: {
"01_install_application": {
command: "/tmp/install_application > /var/log/install_application.log",
"02_configure_reboot": {
command: "echo /home/ec2-user/start_application >> /etc/rc.local",
"03_start_application": {
command: "/home/ec2-user/start_application > var/log/start_application.log",
"04_cleanup": {
command: "rm /tmp/install_application",
// Export the VM IP in case we want to SSH.
export let vmIP = webServer.publicIp;
// Export the URL for our newly created Rails application.
export let websiteURL = webServer.publicDns.apply(url => `http://${url}/notes`);