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Paystack Cordova Plugin

Cordova Android Plugin for Paystack. Paystack is a Nigerian payment platform allowing users to collect payments via MasterCard, Visa, and Verve cards. This plugin uses the Paystack Android SDK


From github

cordova plugin add --variable PUBLIC_KEY="your paystack public key"

From CLI/Plugman

cordova plugin add paystackcordovav2 --variable PUBLIC_KEY="your paystack public ket"

After installing, you have to build your project so the Paystack SDK can be downloaded. While in your project directory run this;

cordova build android


The plugin exposes a simple API for generating paystack transaction tokens which can used to charge a customer without them re-entering their card, as well as making a one-time charge.

window.plugin.paystackCordova.chargeCardWithAccessCode(options, successCallback, errorCallback)

This method charges a card using a Paystack access_token and a customer's card's details; card number, expiry month, year and cvc number.

Method Arguments


  access_code: "access code",
  card_number: "card number",
  expiry_month: "expiry month of card",
  expiry_year: "expiry year of card",
  cvc: "cvc number of card"


function(response) {

The response object

   "reference": "Unique paystack transaction reference"


function(error) {

The error object

   "code": "Error code; 0 for fatal errors, 1 for validation errors, 2 for paystack errors"

window.plugins.paystackCordova.chargeCard(options, successCallback, errorCallback)

This method creates a one-time charge on a card

Method Arguments


    card_number: "card number",
    expiry_month: "expiry month of card",
    expiry_year: "expiry year of card",
    cvc: " cvc number of card",
    email: "customer email",
    amount: "transaction amount in kobo",
    currency: "set a currency for the tranaction (optional)",
    reference: "set a custom reference for the transction (optional)",
    plan: "set a paystack plan for the transaction if it is intended to create subscription (optional)",
    subaccount: "set a subaccount ID for split-payment transactions (optional)",
    transaction_charge: "set a transaction charge to be used for split-payment transaction",
    bearer: "set bearer for the transaction charge; `subaccount` or `account` (optional)"

NB. Not the bearer field is required if a subaccount is set


function(response) {

The response object

   "reference": "Unique paystack transaction reference"


function(error) {

The error object

   "code": "Error code; 0 for fatal errors, 1 for validation errors, 2 for paystack errors"


Charging a card

The Paystack android sdk allows you to make a one-time charge on a card.

var options = {
   card_number: "4123450131001381",
   expiry_month: 7,
   expiry_year: 2019,
   cvc: 883,
   email: "",
   amount: 50000

 window.plugins.paystackCordova.chargeCard(options, function(response) {
    //Perform verification with response.reference
 }, function(err) {
   //Perform error handling

Charing an access code

The paystack android sdk also allows you to generate a unique token for a customer which can be used to charge them at a later time, most of the time via your server side code.

 var options = {
       access_code: "PK_353ADFA",
 	   card_number: "4123450131001381",
 	   expiry_month: 7,
 	   expiry_year: 2019,
 	   cvc: 883

window.plugins.paystackCordova.chargeCardWithAccessCode(options, function(response) {
  //Make a call to some endpoint to save the response.token and response.last4
}, function(err) {
  //perform some error handling



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npm i paystackcordovav2

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  • mrfoh