
0.0.6 • Public • Published


p5-hook is a tiny plugin which lets you create p5 canvas with structure & modulize.

Remember to install p5js as dependency.


Install by CDN or npm/yarn

npm install p5-hook
// or
yarn add p5-hook
<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/p5@1.3.1/lib/p5.min.js"></script>
<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/p5-hook@0.0.5/dist/p5-hook.min.js"></script>


Basic CDN usage

<div id="canvas-box"></div>
const { useP5, createProcess, createParticle } = p5Hook;

// use hook
const { initCanvas, addProcess, startAnimate } = useP5({
  animateState: false, // animateState when canvas initialized
  width: window.innerWidth,
  height: window.innerHeight,
  bgColor: 0,
  // if you use any p5 method in process
  // remember to also define a specific p5 method here
  on: {
    setup(p) {},
    preload(e, p) {},
    mouseClicked(e, p) {},

// create process
const circleProcess = createProcess({
  beforeSetup() {
    // do something before setup
  setup() {
    // this action will be combined & run together with other process in `setup` once
  draw() {
    // this action will be combined & run together with other process in `draw` looping
  // other p5 methods can be set in `on`
  // do not define `setup` or `draw` here, this will not have effect
  on: {
    mouseClicked() {
      console.log('canvas clicked!');

// initialize p5 canvas
const app = initCanvas(document.getElementById('canvas-box'));

// add process

// startAnimate just turn `animateState` to `true`
// p5hook will check it before drawing the canvas

Create Item

create before setup

const circleProcess = createProcess({
  beforeSetup() {
    this.item = {
      x: 30,
      y: 30,
      radius: 100,
  draw(p) {
    const { item } = this;
    p.circle(item.x, item.y, item.radius);

create items by DOM event

const clickProcess = createProcess({
  draw(p) {
    const { items } = this;
    for (let i = 0; i < items.length; i++) {
      const item = items[i];
      p.circle(item.x, item.y, item.radius);

// custom method still have two default param
// p => p5 instance
// options => { width, height... }
clickProcess.addMethod('create', function(p, options, a, b) {
  // other params
  console.log(a, b);
  if (!this.items) {
    this.items = [];
    x: p.mouseX,
    y: p.mouseY,
    radius: 10,

window.addEventListener('click', function() {
  clickProcess.create(a, b);

Preload Image

const imageProcess = createProcess({
  on: {
    preload(p) {
      this.image = p.loadImage('./test.png');
  draw(p) {
    const { image } = this;
    p.image(image, 0, 0);

API Documentation


  • format: useP5(options)

options key/value

key type value default requirement others
animateState boolean true/false none required ---
width number 1000 none required ---
height number 300 none required ---
bgColor number/string 0/black 255 optional ---
on object {} none optional ---
on[key] function(p, options) --- none optional p: p5 instance, key: can be setup or draw

returned object key/value

key type description others
initCanvas function(el) init canvas with p5, return p5 instance el: dom node
addProcess function(process) add process to hook(must after init) process: process object created by createProcess
startAnimate function allow p5 to draw things in page ---


  • format: createProcess(processOptions)

processOptions key/value

key type value default requirement others
beforeSetup function(p, options) --- --- optional ---
setup function(p, options) --- --- optional ---
draw function(p, options) --- --- optional ---
on object --- --- optional ---
on[key] function(p, options) --- none optional key: can not be setup or draw

returned object key/value

key type description others
addMethod function(name, fn) add method to process with p & options injected name: key of process, fn: function with p & options injected

be aware that you can still define method on process in other ways, but with addMethod, it helps you redirect this to processObject & inject tool p & options into params.


  • format: createParticle(p, particleOptions)

particleOptions key/value

key type value default requirement others
radius object 6 10 optional ---
position object {x: 10, y: 10} {x: 0, y: 0} optional ---
speed object {x: 10, y: 10} {x: 0, y: 0} optional velocity
acc object {x: 10, y: 10} {x: 0, y: 0} optional acceleration
angle number 0-360 0 optional angle of particle rotation
rotateSpeed number 0-360 0 optional velocity of rotation
color number/string 0 255 optional color of particle
opacity number 0-1 1 optional opacity of particle
life number 100 -1 optional frame numbers, -1: permanent


const particleProcess = createProcess({
  beforeSetup(p) {
    this.items = [];
    for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
      const particle = createParticle(p, {
        position: { x: 0, y: 0 },
        speed: { x: p.random(1), y: p.random(1) },
        life: 60,
      // if life is not -1, you can define onDead method on particle
      particle.onDead = () => {
        // remove particle
        items.splice(items.indexOf(particle), 1);
  draw() {
    const { items } = this;
    if (items.length <= 0) return;
    for (let i = 0; i < items.length; i++) {
      const particle = items[i];
      particle.run(); // this will auto update & move particle
image particle

since we need to wait for image loaded in setup, we need to change beforeSetup into setup, then bind the loaded image object to particle options.

Make sure you have preload method define in your useP5 option.

const { initCanvas } = useP5({
  on: {
    preload(e, p, options) {
      // you can also preload things here

const particleProcess = createProcess({
  on: {
    preload(e, p) {
      this.testImg = p.loadImage('./test.png');
  setup(p) {
    const image = this.testImg;
    this.items = [];
    for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
      const particle = createParticle(p, {
        position: { x: 0, y: 0 },
        speed: { x: p.random(1), y: p.random(1) },
        life: 60,
        image, // just bind the loaded image to particle options
      // ...
  // ...

Last Updated

Plugin was latest updated at 2021/03/05 by johnnywang.

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  • johnnywang