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1.0.3 • Public • Published

p5 Controller

Quick create controllers for p5.js


Getting Started

  • Download the p5.controller.min.js file and reference it at the end of your HTML body

  • In your sketch:

 // declare the variables
  var p5ct, // p5-controller instance
      ct; // your controllers

  var size;

  function setup() {
    size = 300;

    // Create a p5-controller instance:
    p5ct = new p5Controller('position','tr');

    // Create your controller
    ct = p5ct.createController('xypad');

    createCanvas(size, size);

  function draw() {
    // now you can use the `ct.x` and `ct.y` variables

    fill(map(ct.x, 0, size, 0, 255));

    stroke(map(ct.y, 0, size, 255, 0));

      size / 2,
      size / 2,

See the list of the p5Controller options See the list of the controllers options

Creating Controllers

  // Create a single controller with default configuration:
  var myXYpad = myCtrl.createController('xypad');

  // Create a single controller with custom configuration:
  var myXYpad = myCtrl.createController('xypad',{
    maxX: 600,
    maxY: 400

  // Create 2 controllers with default configuration, same type:
  var myXYpad = myCtrl.createControllers('xypad');

  // Create `n` controllers with default configuration, same type:
  var myXYpad = myCtrl.createControllers('xypad', 5);

  // Create multiple controllers of different types, default configuration
  var myXYpad = myCtrl.createControllers({
    types: ['xpad', 'ypad', 'button']

  // Create multiple controllers with custom configuration, same type
  var myYpads = myCtrl.createControllers('ypad',{
    minY: 300,
    maxY: 600


  • XYPad

  • Xpad

  • Ypad

  • Text

  • Button

  • Checkbox


p5Controller instance options

Option Type Default Description
theme String p5 See the [list of themes][##Themes]
direction∗ String vertical vertical | horizontal
position∗∗ String tl p5controller initial position in the screen
tl top-left
tr top-right
br botton-right
bl bottom-left

∗ - The horizontal direction is development and might break with xpads.

∗∗ - The right and bottom positions are still in development and might break depending on the controller configurations

Controllers options

Single controllers

Option Type Default Description
name String ${element_type} Controller type. See the [list of controllers][#controllers].
PADS Options for the xypad, xpad, ypad controllers
minX Number 0 Minimum X value (not applicable for the ypad)
minY Number 0 Minimum Y value (not applicable for the xpad)
maxX Number ${windowWidth} Maximun X value (not applicable for the ypad)
maxY Number ${windowHeight} Maximun Y value (not applicable for the xpad)
INPUTS Options for the text, button, checkbox controllers
label String '${Type}' Label for the checkbox and button elements
value String '' Label for the checkbox and button elements
readOnly Boolean false For the text only
disabled Boolean false Disables the controler

Multiple controllers

All the options for a single controller, plus:

Option Type Default Description
n Number 2 Number of controllers of the same type
beforeCreate Function null Function to be trigged right before an controller is created
afterCreate Function null Function to be trigged right after an controller is created


  • p5 (default)

  • hip

  • blac-fire

  • black-mono


This project is in its early develop stage, so for now the best way to contribute is using and reporting errors and bugs via issues, also sending suggestions to




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  • daniloprates