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0.1.2 • Public • Published


CLI for managing an OwnStats (https://ownstats.com) instance, providing a privacy-focused selfhosted web analytics solution on AWS.



$ npm install -g ownstats
$ ownstats COMMAND
running command...
$ ownstats (--version)
ownstats/0.1.2 darwin-arm64 node-v22.12.0
$ ownstats --help [COMMAND]
  $ ownstats COMMAND


Creating a local OwnStats installation

The first step is to create a local OwnStats installation. This can be done by running the following command:

ownstats installation create -d -p ~/ -n ownstats-installation

This will create a new directory called ownstats-installation in your home directory (assuming you're on a Unix-like operating system), and initialize a new OwnStats installation in it (see the installation command).

It will contain the current main branch of the OwnStats repository.

Configuring your OwnStats installation

You can now configure your OwnStats installation with the the config command.

For example, you can set the AWS region you want to use (default: us-east-1):

ownstats config set aws-region eu-west-1

Or, you can set the AWS profile you want to use (default: default):

ownstats config set aws-profile my-profile

You can also set the stage you want to use (default: prd):

ownstats config set stage prd

Deploying your OwnStats backend

You need to install the dependencies for the OwnStats backend first, before you can deploy it. This can be done by running the following command:

ownstats stack backend install

After that, you can deploy the OwnStats backend by running the following command:

ownstats stack backend deploy

Usually, this will take 5-10 minutes. See also the stack command.

Deploying your OwnStats frontend

You need to install the dependencies for the OwnStats frontend first, before you can deploy/sync it to your AWS account. This can be done by running the following command:

ownstats stack frontend install

Next, you need to build the frontend application. This can be done by running the following command:

ownstats stack frontend build

This will create an optimized bundle in the frontend/dist directory. After that, you can deploy/sync the OwnStats frontend by running the following command:

ownstats stack frontend sync

This will synchonize the frontend application in the frontend/dist directory to the frontend S3 bucket, which backs the frontend CloudFront distribution.

Creating the OwnStats tracking client

Next, the OwnStats tracking client needs to be created. This is divided into multiple steps.

First, you need to install the dependencies for the OwnStats tracking client. This can be done by running the following command:

ownstats stack client install

After that, you need to build the tracking client. This can be done by running the following command:

ownstats stack client build

This will create an optimized bundle in the client/dist directory. After that, you can deploy/sync the OwnStats tracking client by running the following command:

ownstats stack client sync

It's automatically configured by the backend stack outputs (e.g. CloudFront URL for pushing the tracking data to).

The client uses the analytics library, which is a lightweight and easy-to-use library for tracking events. You could also customize the client to send the tracking data to additional destinations. Please refer to the analytics documentation for more information.

Creating a user for OwnStats

You need to create a user for OwnStats in your AWS account. This can be done by running the following command:

ownstats user create

You'll be asked to enter a email address and password. This will create a user in the Cognito user pool, which is used for logging in to the OwnStats frontend.

Please refer to the user command for more information regarding the password policy. This is the final step for the OwnStats deployment in your AWS account.

Accessing the OwnStats frontend

To access the OwnStats frontend, you can use the following command:

ownstats stack frontend open

This will show a link to your OwnStats frontend in your terminal. Click on it, and enter the username and password you created in the previous step. This will take you to the OwnStats frontend, where you can start tracking your data.


ownstats config ACTION PROPERTY [VALUE]

Configure the project settings

  $ ownstats config ACTION PROPERTY [VALUE] [-j]

  ACTION    (get|set) The action to perform
  PROPERTY  (aws-stage|aws-region|aws-profile) The property to configure
  VALUE     The configuration value

  -j, --json  Show output as JSON

  Configure the project settings

See code: src/commands/config/index.ts

ownstats help [COMMAND]

Display help for ownstats.

  $ ownstats help [COMMAND...] [-n]

  COMMAND...  Command to show help for.

  -n, --nested-commands  Include all nested commands in the output.

  Display help for ownstats.

See code: @oclif/plugin-help

ownstats installation ACTION

Create a local Ownstats installation from the repository

  $ ownstats installation ACTION -p <value> -n <value> [-d]

  ACTION  (create) The installation action to perform

  -d, --createDir     Create directory if it doesn't exist
  -n, --name=<value>  (required) The name of the installation to create
  -p, --path=<value>  (required) An absolute path where a new OwnStats installation shall be created in

  Create a local Ownstats installation from the repository

See code: src/commands/installation/index.ts

ownstats stack ACTION NAME

Interact with OwnStats stacks within an installation

  $ ownstats stack ACTION NAME

  ACTION  (deploy|package|remove|sync|build|install|open) The action to perform
  NAME    (frontend|backend|client) The stack name

  Interact with OwnStats stacks within an installation

See code: src/commands/stack/index.ts

ownstats user ACTION

Manage OwnStats user

  $ ownstats user ACTION

  ACTION  (create|update-password) The action to perform

  Manage OwnStats user

See code: src/commands/user/index.ts

ownstats verify

Verify AWS credentials

  $ ownstats verify [-p <value>]

  -p, --profile=<value>  [default: default] AWS profile to use

  Verify AWS credentials

  $ ownstats verify --profile default
  Verifying AWS credentials...
  Successfully authenticated with AWS using profile: default

See code: src/commands/verify/index.ts

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