
0.3.12 • Public • Published

OverlayAsPromised - jQuery Plugin

Release with Dependencies !!!

If you include the jquery.overlay-as-promised.min.js only, be sure jQuery and jQuery.colorbox are part of your Project.
You will get them here:

Install - Demo

  • Download
  • npm install

Run - Demo

  • node server.js
  • Open your browser at localhost:1234


var overlay = $(selector).overlayAsPromised(config, onOpen, onClose);
config: {
  closable:        bool                    -> default: true           -> overlay will be closable by button or extern layer click
  closeButton:     bool                    -> default: false          -> shows close button at overlay's bottom
  closeLabel:      string                  -> default: 'Close'        -> label for close button
  closeClass:      string                  -> default: ''             -> css class for close button
  startingDelay:   int                     -> default: 0              -> overlay will be opened after this amount of miliseconds
  minDisplayTime:  int                     -> default: 0              -> overlay will be at least visible for this amount of miliseconds,
  maxDisplayTime:  int                     -> default: 0              -> overlay will be maximal be visible for this amount of miliseconds
  width:           int|string              -> default: false          -> overlay's fixed width
  height:          int|string              -> default: false          -> overlay's fixed height
  maxWidth:        int|string              -> default: false          -> overlay's max width
  maxHeight:       int|string              -> default: false          -> overlay's max height
  top:             int|string              -> default: false          -> overlay's distance to the top of the window
  bottom:          int|string              -> default: false          -> overlay's distance to the bottom of the window
  left:            int|string              -> default: false          -> overlay's distance to the left of the window
  right:           int|string              -> default: false          -> overlay's distance to the right of the window
  className:       string                  -> default: false          -> gives overlay a custom class
  transition:      'elastic'|'fade'|'none' -> default: 'elastic'      -> opening transition type
  speed:           int                     -> default: 350            -> transition speed
  fixed:           bool                    -> default: false          -> fixed position, no scrolling of background
  fitScreen:       bool                    -> default: false          -> whole screen overlay
  autoResize:      bool                    -> default: false          -> trigger resize on dom changes

onOpen:            function                -> default: empty function -> will be called on open
onClose:           function                -> default: empty function -> will be called on close
overlay.open()        -> Promise with resolved return value from onOpen
overlay.close()       -> Promise with resolved return value from onClose
overlay.resize()      -> null
overlay.preventOpen() -> null

Note: Auto resizing is not working for Internet Explorer 9 and below


  • Include jquery.overlay-as-promised.min.js into your Project
var overlay = $('.test').overlayAsPromised({
    closable: true,
}, function() {
    return "it's working";
}, function() {

overlay.open().then(function(value) {

If you declare a startingDelay and want to prevent opening the overlay anyway before the timeout is reached after you called open():

var overlay = $('.test').overlayAsPromised({
    startingDelay: 3000

// do something


For the moment customizing means to override the jQuery.colorbox styles.
To customize the built-in top close-Button simply overwrite the styles of the element with id cboxClose e.g. in your stylesheet:

#cboxClose {
  display: inline-block;
  position: absolute;
  top: 0px;
  left: 0px;
  color: #000;
  border: none;
  background-color: #fff;

#cboxClose::before {
  font-family: 'Glyphicons Halflings';
  content: "\e014";
  font-size: 17px;

This would result in a black X on white ground (Glyphicons muste be included as font-family).




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  • graef685