This is a shareJS-compatible OT type. It defines Operations that relate to socialcalc's spreadsheet commands and can be serialized, applied on a socialcalc snapshot and, of course, transformed against each other.
It implements shareJS' OT type interface
- create() : snapshot
- apply(op, snapshot): snapshot
- transform(op1, op2, side): neOp
- compose(op1, op2): newOP
Furthermore it allows you to convert a list of socialcalc commands into an operation and vice versa:
- serializeEdit(op) : cmdStr
- deserializeEdit(cmdStr) : op
- set sheet operation
- set row
- set col
- set cell
- set cell range
- erase/copy/cut/paste/fillright/filldown A1:B5 all/formulas/format
- merge
- unmerge
- insertcol/insertrow
- deletecol/deleterow C5:E7
- movepaste/moveinsert A1:B5 A8 all/formulas/format (if insert, destination must be in same rows or columns or else paste done)
- sort cr1:cr2 col1 up/down col2 up/down col3 up/down
- name define|desc|delete
- transform cursor
None yet. This is on the to-do!
(c) 2016 by Marcel Klehr
Mozilla Public License 2.0 (see LICENSE.txt)