Orthogonal Interpolation
Generates continuous numeric functions that intercept given points.
The functions can be polynomial (representing curves) or periodic (representing signals).
var Interpolation = require('orthogonal-interpolation');
Interpolate Curve
To create a continuous polynomial function, pass a list of points to interpolateCurve
var f = Interpolation.interpolateCurve([x1, y1], [x2, y2], [x3, y3], [x4, y4]);
var y = f(x);
The resulting function f
will include the provided points (for example, f(x1) === y1
, etc.),
and it will extend to all other real numbers while exhibiting smooth continuity.
Interpolate Signal
To create a continuous periodic function, pass a list of points to interpolateSignal
var f = Interpolation.interpolateSignal([x1, y1], [x2, y2], [x3, y3], [x4, y4]);
var y = f(x);
The resulting function f
will include the provided points (for example, f(x1) === y1
, etc.),
and it will extend to all other real numbers while exhibiting smooth continuity,
and it will be periodic.
Curves are interpolated with a polynomial basis: x^0, x^1, x^2, ...
Signals are interpolate with a periodic basis: 1, sin(x), cos(x), sin(2x), cos(2x), sin(3x), cos(3x), etc.