Ofn contains utility static methods (helpers).
This package ( oro-functions-client
) is divided from oro-functions
to allow using it in js-client environments like Vuejs
or React
If you are going to use this package in js-server environments like Nodejs
, it's recommended to use oro-functions instead.
Functions could be divided in groups:
· General
· Numbers
· String
· Crypto
· Functions
· Classes
· Objects
· Arrays
· Dates
· URLs
· Files
· PHP Serialize
· Response
npm install oro-functions-client
// cjs
const { Ofn } = require( 'oro-functions-client' );
// mjs, ts
import { Ofn } from 'oro-functions-client';
Ofn.type( [ 1, 2, 3 ] ); // -> 'array'
also every method could be called individually:
// cjs
const { type } = require( 'oro-functions-client' );
// mjs, ts
import { type } from 'oro-functions-client';
type( [ 1, 2, 3 ] ); // -> 'array'
- Ofn.capitalize()
- Ofn.chunkStringByCharSize()
- Ofn.escAttr()
- Ofn.isStringJson()
- Ofn.jsonParse()
- Ofn.jsonStringify()
- Ofn.jsonize()
- Ofn.arrayize()
- Ofn.arrayizeString()
- Ofn.arrayizeObject()
- Ofn.randomString()
- Ofn.slugify()
- Ofn.snakeify()
- Ofn.splitStringNumber()
- Ofn.strPad()
- Ofn.substrCount()
- Ofn.textTruncate()
- Ofn.trimAll()
O extends Record<string | number, any> = Record<string | number, any>, // object | array
K extends string | number = string | number
>( obj: O, key: K, def?: T, allowFalsy = true ) => T | null;
// < T output-type, O object-interface, K allowed-keys>
// Note: 'key' should be number when 'obj' is an array
// js
const obj1 = { name: 'Foo', label: 'foo' };
const obj2 = { name: 'Foo', label: '' };
const obj3 = { name: 'Foo' };
Ofn.issetGet(obj1, 'label', 'default');
// -> 'foo'
Ofn.issetGet(obj2, 'label', 'default');
// -> ''
Ofn.issetGet(obj2, 'label', 'default', false);
// -> 'default'
Ofn.issetGet(obj3, 'label', 'default');
// -> 'default'
// ts
interface Custom {
name: string;
label?: string;
type AllowedKeys = 'label' | 'another-label';
const obj1: Custom = { name: 'Foo', label: 'foo' };
const obj2: Custom = { name: 'Foo', label: '' };
const obj3: Custom = { name: 'Foo' };
Ofn.issetGet<string>(obj1, 'label', 'default');
// -> 'foo'
Ofn.issetGet<string, Custom>(obj2, 'label', 'default');
// -> ''
Ofn.issetGet<string, Custom, AllowedKeys>(obj2, 'label', 'default', false);
// -> 'default'
Ofn.issetGet<string, Custom, keyof Custom>(obj3, 'label', 'default');
// -> 'default'
Ofn.type( value: any, strict?: boolean ) => string;
Ofn.type('foo'); // -> 'string'
Ofn.type(true); // -> 'boolean'
Ofn.type(12); // -> 'number'
Ofn.type({}); // -> 'object'
Ofn.type([]); // -> 'array'
Ofn.type(function () {}); // -> 'function'
Ofn.type(new Date()); // -> 'date'
// Note: when obj is an obj-class
class MyClass {}
const foo = new MyClass();
Ofn.type(MyClass); // -> 'class'
Ofn.type(foo); // -> 'object'
Ofn.type(foo, true); // -> 'MyClass'
Ofn.isArray( value: any ) => boolean;
Ofn.isArray([1, 2, 3]); // -> true
Ofn.isBoolean( value: any ) => boolean;
Ofn.isBoolean(true); // -> true
Ofn.isBoolean(false); // -> true
Ofn.isClass( value: any ) => boolean;
Ofn.isClass(Ofn); // -> true
Ofn.isDate( value: any ) => boolean;
Ofn.isDate(new Date()); // -> true
Ofn.isFunction( value: any ) => boolean;
Ofn.isFunction(function () {}); // -> true
Ofn.isFunction(() => {}); // -> true
Ofn.isNull( value: any ) => boolean;
Ofn.isNull(); // -> false
Ofn.isNull(null); // -> true
Ofn.isNully( value: any ) => boolean;
Ofn.isNully(); // -> true
Ofn.isNully(null); // -> true
Ofn.isNumber( value: any ) => boolean;
Ofn.isNumber(12); // -> true
Ofn.isNumber(1.2); // -> true
Ofn.isNumber(NaN); // -> true
Ofn.isObject( value: any ) => boolean;
Ofn.isObject({}); // true
Ofn.isRegtsexp( value: any ) => boolean;
Ofn.isRegexp(/([A-Z])\w+/); // -> true
Ofn.isString( value: any ) => boolean;
Ofn.isString('foo'); // -> true
Ofn.isUndefined( value: any ) => boolean;
Ofn.isUndefined(); // -> true
Ofn.isUndefined(null); // -> false
Ofn.isNumeric( value: any ) => boolean;
Ofn.isNumeric(NaN); // -> false
Ofn.isNumeric(2.14); // -> true
Ofn.isNumeric('2.14'); // -> true
Ofn.isNumeric('2,14'); // -> false
// Note: for dislexia issues (with Ofn.isNumber)
Ofn.isEven( num: number ) => boolean;
Ofn.isEven(0); // -> true
Ofn.isEven(1); // -> false
Ofn.isEven(NaN); // -> false
Ofn.isEven(0.2); // -> true
Ofn.isEven(1.2); // -> false
Ofn.isOdd( num: number ) => boolean;
Ofn.isOdd(0); // -> false
Ofn.isOdd(1); // -> true
Ofn.isOdd(NaN); // -> false
Ofn.isOdd(0.2); // -> false
Ofn.isOdd(1.2); // -> true
num: number | string,
decimalLength?: number | false, // def: 2
allowAllRightZeros?: boolean, // def: true
minRightZeros?: number | boolean, // def: true
) => string;
Ofn.numberFixDecimals('2,1499'); // -> '2.15'
Ofn.numberFixDecimals('2.1499'); // -> '2.15'
Ofn.numberFixDecimals('2.14990', 0); // -> '2'
Ofn.numberFixDecimals('2.14990', 3); // -> '2.150'
Ofn.numberFixDecimals('2,14990', 6); // -> '2.149000'
Ofn.numberFixDecimals('2.14990', false); // -> '2.149'
Ofn.numberFixDecimals('2.14990', 6, false); // -> '2.1499'
Ofn.numberFixDecimals('2.14990', 3, false); // -> '2.15'
Ofn.numberFixDecimals('2.14990', 3, false, 3); // -> '2.150'
Ofn.numberFixDecimals('2.1387', 3, false, 2); // -> '2.139'
Ofn.numberFixDecimals('2.1999', 3, false, 2); // -> '2.20'
// More examples
Ofn.numberFixDecimals('2.1999', 2); // -> '2.20'
Ofn.numberFixDecimals('2', 2); // -> '2.00'
Ofn.numberFixDecimals('2.1999', 2, true, false); // -> '2.20'
Ofn.numberFixDecimals('2', 2, true, false); // -> '2'
num: number | string,
decimalLength?: number | false, // def: 2
allowAllRightZeros?: boolean, // def: true
minRightZeros?: number | boolean, // def: 2
) => string;
Is the same as Ofn.numberFixDecimals,
but the separator is a comma 2,10
, not a dot 2.10
It's better to print, for example, in excel fields.
Ofn.numberPrintDecimals('2,1499'); // -> '2,15'
Ofn.numberPrintDecimals('2.1499'); // -> '2,15'
Ofn.randomMinMax( min?: number, max?: number ) => number;
Ofn.randomMinMax(); // -> random between 0 - 100
Ofn.randomMinMax(1, 10); // -> random between 1 - 10
Ofn.randomMinMax(10, 1); // -> random between 1 - 10
Ofn.randomMinMax(50); // -> random between 50 - 100
Ofn.capitalize( str: string ) => string;
Ofn.capitalize('foo'); // -> 'Foo'
Ofn.capitalize('foo bar'); // -> 'Foo bar'
str: string,
char: string,
size: number,
orientation?: LeftRight // def: 'left'
) => string;
type LeftRight = 'left' | 'right';
Ofn.chunkStringByCharSize('1234567', '_', 2);
// -> '12_34_56_7'
Ofn.chunkStringByCharSize('1234567', '.', 3, 'right');
// -> '1.234.567'
Ofn.escAttr( str: string ) => string;
// -> '&lt;span&gt;foo&lt;/span&gt;'
Ofn.isStringJson( str: string, allowArray?: boolean ) => boolean;
Ofn.isStringJson('{ "foo": "bar" }'); // -> true
Ofn.isStringJson('[ "foo", "bar" ]'); // -> false
Ofn.isStringJson('[ "foo", "bar" ]', true); // -> true
Ofn.jsonParse<T>( str: string, strict?: boolean ) => strict === true ? T | null : T | string
Ofn.jsonParse('foo'); // -> 'foo'
Ofn.jsonParse('foo', true); // -> null
Ofn.jsonParse('{"foo":true}'); // -> { foo: true }
Ofn.jsonParse('[ 1, 2, 3 ]'); // -> [ 1, 2, 3 ]
Ofn.jsonParse('{"0":1,"1":2,"2":3}'); // -> [ 1, 2, 3 ]
Ofn.jsonParse('{"0":1,"1":2,"2":3}', true); // -> { "0": 1, "1": 2, "2": 3 }
Ofn.jsonStringify<T extends Record<string | number, any>>(
json: T,
beautify = false,
) => string;
Ofn.jsonStringify('foo'); // -> ''
Ofn.jsonStringify({ foo: true }); // -> '{"foo":true}'
Ofn.jsonStringify({ foo: true }, true); // -> `{\n "foo": true\n}`
Ofn.jsonStringify([1, 2, 3]); // -> '{"0":1,"1":2,"2":3}'
Ofn.jsonize<T>( str: string, strict?: boolean ) => strict === true ? T | null : T | string;
Ofn.jsonize('foo'); // -> 'foo'
Ofn.jsonize('foo', true); // -> null
Ofn.jsonize('{"foo":true}'); // -> { foo: true }
Ofn.jsonize('[ 1, 2, 3 ]'); // -> [ 1, 2, 3 ]
Ofn.jsonize('{"0":1,"1":2,"2":3}'); // -> [ 1, 2, 3 ]
// note: to avoid cast array-object to array, use: Ofn.jsonParse(string, true)
Ofn.arrayize< T, O extends Record<string, any> = Record<string, any> > ( strOrObject: string | O, strict?: boolean )
=> strict === true ? T | null : T | string | O;
Ofn.arrayize('foo'); // -> 'foo'
Ofn.arrayize('foo', true); // -> null
Ofn.arrayize('{"foo":true}'); // -> [] with property foo = true
Ofn.arrayize({ foo: true }); // -> [] with property foo = true
Ofn.arrayize('[ 1, 2, 3 ]');
// -> [ 1, 2, 3 ]
Ofn.arrayize('{ "0":1, "2":3, "foo":true }');
// -> [ 1, undefined, 3 ] with property foo = true
Ofn.arrayizeString<T>(str: string, strict?: boolean ) => strict === true ? T | null : T | string;
Ofn.arrayizeString('foo'); // -> 'foo'
Ofn.arrayizeString('foo', true); // -> null
Ofn.arrayizeString('{"foo":true}'); // -> [] with property foo = true
Ofn.arrayizeString({ foo: true }, true); // -> null
Ofn.arrayizeString('[ 1, 2, 3 ]');
// -> [ 1, 2, 3 ]
Ofn.arrayizeString('{ "0":1, "2":3, "foo":true }');
// -> [ 1, undefined, 3 ] with property foo = true
Ofn.arrayizeObject< T, O extends Record<string, any> = Record<string, any> >(object: O, strict?: boolean)
=> strict === true ? T | null : T | O;
Ofn.arrayizeObject('{"foo":true}', true); // -> null
Ofn.arrayizeObject({ foo: true }); // -> [] with property foo = true
Ofn.arrayizeObject([1, 2, 3]);
// -> [ 1, 2, 3 ]
Ofn.arrayizeObject({ 0: 1, 2: 3, foo: true });
// -> [ 1, undefined, 3 ] with property foo = true
len: number // def: 8
) => string;
Ofn.randomString(); // -> 'lw5ucmgj'
Ofn.randomString(24); // -> 'a6ji656qovq078j1vpcmxzms'
Ofn.slugify( str: string ) => string;
Ofn.slugify('FOO Bar bazBaz'); // -> 'foo-bar-baz-baz'
Ofn.snakeify( str: string ) => string;
Ofn.snakeify('FOO Bar bazBaz'); // -> 'foo_bar_baz_baz'
str: string,
sep?: string // def: '|'
) => string[];
Ofn.splitStringNumber('1.234.567', '.');
// -> [ '1', '234', '567' ]
Ofn.strPad = strPad(
str: string | number,
length: number,
pad?: string | number, // def: ' '
leftRight?: LeftRight // def: 'left'
) => string;
type LeftRight = 'left' | 'right';
Ofn.strPad('123', 5); // -> ' 123'
Ofn.strPad('123', 5, '0'); // -> '00123'
Ofn.strPad('123', 5, 'x', 'right'); // -> '123xx'
Ofn.substrCount( str: string, substr: string ) => number;
Ofn.substrCount('This is an example', 'is'); // -> 2
Ofn.trimAll( str: string ) => string;
Ofn.trimAll(' string with spaces ');
// -> 'string with spaces'
Ofn.textTruncate = textTruncate(
str: string,
max?: number | true, // def: 120
suffix?: string // def: '...'
) => string;
Ofn.textTruncate('This is a example', 9, '... (read more)');
// -> 'This is a... (read more)'
Ofn.md5( str: string ) => string;
Ofn.md5('This is an example');
// -> 'f1bbf779adc2b5e8ada0fc5f6337d96d'
str: string,
key?: string, // def: ''
iv?: string, // def: ''
mode?: EncryptMode, // def: 'CBC'
padding?: EncryptPadding, // def: 'Pkcs7'
) => string;
type EncryptMode = 'CBC' | 'CTR' | 'CTRGladman' | 'OFB' | 'ECB';
type EncryptPadding = 'Pkcs7' | 'Iso97971' | 'AnsiX923' | 'Iso10126' | 'ZeroPadding' | 'NoPadding';
Ofn.strEncrypt('This is an example', 'foo');
// -> 'MHVuUmE5MHAvOXpOazkwckhyTGc5VUFUM0NXWkNPUFdzcU9wZE5ydlo4Zz0='
str: string,
key?: string, // def: ''
iv?: string, // def: ''
mode?: EncryptMode, // def: 'CBC'
padding?: EncryptPadding, // def: 'Pkcs7'
) => string;
type EncryptMode = 'CBC' | 'CTR' | 'CTRGladman' | 'OFB' | 'ECB';
type EncryptPadding = 'Pkcs7' | 'Iso97971' | 'AnsiX923' | 'Iso10126' | 'ZeroPadding' | 'NoPadding';
Ofn.strDecrypt('MHVuUmE5MHAvOXpOazkwckhyTGc5VUFUM0NXWkNPUFdzcU9wZE5ydlo4Zz0=', 'foo');
// -> 'This is an example'
ms?: number // def: 0
) => Promise<void>;
await Ofn.sleep(5000); // -> 5 second
Ofn.getFunctionName( fn?: string | Function ) => string;
function fnTest() {}
const callback = fnTest;
// -> 'fnTest'
Ofn.getClassName( classy: any ) => string;
class MyClass {}
const ExampleClass = MyClass;
// -> 'MyClass'
// -> 'MyClass'
Ofn.getClassName( classy: any ) => string[];
class MyClass {
static varStatic1 = '';
static varStatic2 = '';
varStatic1 = '';
varStatic2 = '';
static fnStatic1() {}
static fnStatic2() {}
fn1() {}
fn2() {}
// -> [ 'fn1', 'fn2' ]
Ofn.getClassStaticMethods( classy: any ) => string[];
class MyClass {
static varStatic1 = '';
static varStatic2 = '';
varStatic1 = '';
varStatic2 = '';
static fnStatic1() {}
static fnStatic2() {}
fn1() {}
fn2() {}
// -> [ 'fnStatic1', 'fnStatic2' ]
Ofn.cloneObject<T>( obj: T ) => NonNullable<T>;
//deep clone
const obj1 = { foo: { bar: true } };
const obj2 = Ofn.cloneObject(obj1);
obj2.foo.bar = false;
// obj1 = { foo: { bar: true } }
// obj2 = { foo: { bar: false } }
Ofn.cloneObjectWithKeys<T, K extends keyof T = keyof T>(
obj: T,
keys: K[],
) => Partial<Pick<T, K>;
Ofn.cloneObjectWithKeys({ a: true, b: true }, ['a']);
// -> { a: true }
interface Custom {
a: boolean;
b?: boolean;
Ofn.cloneObjectWithKeys<Custom>({ a: true, b: true }, ['a']);
// -> { a: true }
Ofn.cloneObjectWithoutKeys<T, K extends keyof T>(
obj: T,
keys: K[],
) => Partial<Omit<T, K>>;
Ofn.cloneObjectWithoutKeys({ a: true, b: true }, ['a']);
// -> { b: true }
interface Custom {
a: boolean;
b?: boolean;
Ofn.cloneObjectWithoutKeys<Custom>({ a: true, b: true }, ['a']);
// -> { b: true }
Ofn.getObjectMissedKeys<T extends Record<string, any>, K = string>(
obj: T,
keys: K[],
) => Omit<K[], keyof T>;
Ofn.getObjectMissedKeys({ a: true }, ['a']);
// -> []
Ofn.getObjectMissedKeys({ a: true }, ['a', 'b']);
// -> [ 'b' ]
interface Custom {
a: boolean;
b?: boolean;
Ofn.objHasKeys<Custom, keyof Custom>({ a: true }, ['a']);
// -> true
Ofn.objHasKeys<Custom, keyof Custom>({ a: true }, ['a', 'b']);
// -> false
Ofn.objGetMethods<T>( obj: T, allowDefaults?: boolean ) => string[];
class MyClass {
static varStatic1 = '';
static varStatic2 = '';
varStatic1 = '';
varStatic2 = '';
static fnStatic1() {}
static fnStatic2() {}
fn1() {}
fn2() {}
const obj = new MyClass();
// -> [ 'fn1', 'fn2' ]
Ofn.objHasKeys<T extends Record<string, any>, K = string>(
obj: T,
keys: K[]
) => boolean;
Ofn.objHasKeys({ a: true }, ['a']);
// -> true
Ofn.objHasKeys({ a: true }, ['a', 'b']);
// -> false
interface Custom {
a: boolean;
b?: boolean;
Ofn.objHasKeys<Custom, keyof Custom>({ a: true }, ['a']);
// -> true
Ofn.objHasKeys<Custom, keyof Custom>({ a: true }, ['a', 'b']);
// -> false
Ofn.mergeObjectsDeep<T extends Record<string, any>>(
...args: Array<Partial<T>>
) => T;
Ofn.mergeObjectsDeep({ a: { b: '1', c: '2' } }, { a: { b: '7', d: '3' } });
// -> { a: { b: '7', c: '2', d: '3' }
Ofn.objIsNotEmpty( obj: any ) => boolean;
// => obj is NonNullable<Record<string | number, any>>;
Ofn.objIsNotEmpty({}); // -> false
Ofn.objIsNotEmpty({ foo: 0 }); // -> true
Ofn.objIsEmpty( obj: any ) => boolean;
Ofn.objIsEmpty({}); // -> true
Ofn.objIsEmpty({ foo: 0 }); // -> false
Ofn.objToStringAttr<T>( obj: T ) => string;
Ofn.objToStringAttr({ id: 20, name: 'foo' });
// -> ' id="20" name="foo" '
Ofn.objToStringAttrData<T>( obj: T ) => string;
Ofn.objToStringAttrData({ id: 20, name: 'foo' });
// -> ' data-id="20" data-name="foo" '
Ofn.objToStringAttrJs<T>( obj: T ) => string;
Ofn.objToStringAttrJs({ id: 20, name: 'foo' });
// -> ' id:20;name:foo '
Ofn.objToStringSqlSet<T>( obj: T ) => string;
const obj = { size: 20, name: "'oro'", last_update: 'NOW()' };
const str = Ofn.objToStringSqlSet( obj );
// -> " size = 20, name = 'foo', last_update = NOW() "
const statement = `UPDATE my_table SET ${str} WHERE id = 7`;
// OR
const statement =
`INSERT INTO my_table ( ${Object.keys( obj ).join( ', ' )} ) \
VALUES ( ${Ofn.objToStringSqlSet( obj )} )`;
Ofn.cloneArray<T>( arr: T ) => T;
//deep clone
const arr1 = [{ foo: true }, { bar: false }];
const arr2 = Ofn.cloneArray(arr1);
arr2[1].bar = true;
// arr1 = [ { foo: true }, { bar: false } ]
// arr2 = [ { foo: true }, { bar: true } ]
array: T[],
key: string,
strict?: boolean // def: false,
) => Record<string, number>;
{ id: 'alpha', category: 'male' },
{ id: 'bravo', category: 'female' },
// -> { 'male': 1, 'female': 1 }
Ofn.arrayGetUnique<T>( array: T[] ) => T[];
Ofn.arrayGetUnique([1, 1, 2, 1, 3]);
// -> [ 1, 2, 3 ]
array: T[],
key: string,
strict?: boolean, // def: false
) => Record<string, T[]>;
{ id: 'alpha', category: 'male' },
{ id: 'bravo', category: 'female' },
// -> {
// 'male': [ { id: 'alpha', category: 'male' } ],
// 'female': [ { id: 'bravo', category: 'female' } ]
// }
arr: T[],
key: string,
sortArray?: string[]
) => T[];
{ id: 'alpha', category: 'male' },
{ id: 'bravo', category: 'female' },
// -> [
// { id: 'bravo', category: 'female' },
// { id: 'alpha', category: 'male' }
// ]
{ id: 'alpha', category: 'male' },
{ id: 'bravo', category: 'female' },
['male', 'female'],
// -> [
// { id: 'alpha', category: 'male' },
// { id: 'bravo', category: 'female' }
// ]
arr: T[],
key: string,
strict?: boolean // def: false
) => Record<string, T>;
{ id: 'alpha', name: 'Alpha' },
{ id: 'bravo', name: 'Bravo' },
// -> {
// 'alpha': { id: 'alpha', name: 'Alpha' },
// 'bravo': { id: 'bravo', name: 'Bravo'
// }
Ofn.arrayValuesByKey<T, V>(array: T[], key: strict?: boolean ) => strict === true ? Array<V> : Array<V | undefined>;
{ id: 'alpha', name: 'Alpha' },
{ id: 'bravo', name: 'Bravo' },
// -> [ 'alpha', 'bravo' ]
Ofn.arraysDifference<T>( ...args: T[] ) => T[];
Ofn.arraysDifference([1, 2, 3], [2, 3, 4]);
// -> [ 1 ]
Ofn.arraysDifferenceAll<T>( ...args: T[] ) => T[];
Ofn.arraysDifferenceAll([1, 2, 3], [2, 3, 4]);
// -> [ 1, 4 ]
Ofn.arraysIntersection<T>( ...args: T[] ) => T[];
Ofn.arraysIntersection([1, 2, 3], [2, 3, 4]);
// -> [ 2, 3 ]
To use date
, better use dateObj
Note: When you load new Date()
, the output string date is shown with the timezone UTC
In dateObj
this output string date is saved as iso
, and the rest of params uses the local
By default, the param sep
is /
, but it could be changed with opts = { sep: '.' }
const date = new Date('2021-08-13T09:57:34.000Z');
const dateObj = {
iso: '2021-08-13T09:57:34.000Z',
// 'local' depends of where is the device globally located
local: '2021-08-13T10:57:34.000Z',
sep: '/',
year: '2021',
month: '08',
day: '13',
hour: '10',
minute: '57',
second: '34',
time: '10:57',
times: '10:57:34',
date: '13/08/2021',
datetime: '13/08/2021 10:57',
datetimes: '13/08/2021 10:57:34',
sqldate: '2021-08-13',
sqldatetime: '2021-08-13 10:57:34',
fulldate: '13/08/2021 10:57:34',
fulldateStart: '13/08/2021 00:00:00',
fulldateEnd: '13/08/2021 23:59:59',
weekday: 5,
monthdays: 31,
timestamp: 1628848654000,
jsdate: new Date(date),
interface DateObj {
iso: string;
sep: string;
local: string;
year: string;
month: string;
day: string;
hour: string;
minute: string;
second: string;
time: string;
times: string;
date: string;
datetime: string;
datetimes: string;
sqldate: string;
sqldatetime: string;
sqldatetimeIso: string;
fulldate: string;
fulldateStart: string;
fulldateEnd: string;
weekday: number;
monthdays: number;
timestamp: number;
jsdate: Date;
date: Date,
options: DateObjOptions | string = {}
) => DateObj;
interface DateObjOptions {
sep?: string;
Ofn.dateObjByDate(new Date('2021-08-13 10:57:34'));
// -> local: '2021-08-13T10:57:34.000Z'
html: string,
options: DateObjOptions | string = {}
) => DateObj | null;
interface DateObjOptions {
sep?: string;
Ofn.dateObjByHtml('13/08/2021 10:57:34');
// -> local: '2021-08-13T10:57:34.000Z'
sqldate: string,
options: DateObjOptions | string = {}
) => DateObj | null;
interface DateObjOptions {
sep?: string;
Ofn.dateObjBySql('2021-08-13 10:57:34');
// -> local: '2021-08-13T10:57:34.000Z'
timestamp: number,
options: DateObjOptions | string = {}
) => DateObj | null;
interface DateObjOptions {
sep?: string;
// -> iso: '2021-08-13T09:57:34.000Z'
Ofn.dateObjByToday( options: DateObjOptions | string = {} ) => DateObj;
interface DateObjOptions {
sep?: string;
date: DateObj | Date,
days: number
) => DateObj;
const date = new Date('2021-08-13 10:57:34');
const dateObj = Ofn.dateObjByDate(date);
Ofn.dateObjPlusDays(date, 1);
// -> local: '2021-08-14T10:57:34.000Z'
Ofn.dateObjPlusDays(dateObj, -1);
// -> local: '2021-08-12T10:57:34.000Z'
Ofn.isDateObj( date: any ) => boolean;
// => date is DateObj
// depricated
Ofn.dateIsObj( date: any ) => boolean;
const date = new Date('2021-08-13 10:57:34');
const dateObj = Ofn.dateObjByDate(date);
// -> false
// -> true
date1: DateObj | Date,
date2: DateObj | Date
) => -1 | 0 | 1;
const date = new Date('2021-08-13 10:57:34');
const todayObj = Ofn.dateObjByToday();
Ofn.datesCompare(date, todayObj);
// -> 1
Ofn.datesCompare(todayObj, date);
// -> -1
Ofn.datesCompare(todayObj, todayObj);
// -> 0
date: DateObj | Date,
dateMin: DateObj | Date,
dateMax: DateObj | Date
) => boolean;
const date = new Date('2021-08-13 10:57:34');
const todayObj = Ofn.dateObjByToday();
Ofn.dateIsBetween(Ofn.dateObjPlusDays(date, 1), date, todayObj);
// -> true
date1: DateObj | Date,
date2: DateObj | Date
) => number;
const dateObj1 = Ofn.dateObjBySql('2021-12-25');
const dateObj2 = Ofn.dateObjBySql('2022-01-05');
Ofn.datesDiffDays(dateObj1, dateObj2);
// -> 11
date1: DateObj | Date,
date2: DateObj | Date
) => number;
const dateObj1 = Ofn.dateObjBySql('2021-12-25');
const dateObj2 = Ofn.dateObjBySql('2022-01-05');
Ofn.datesDiffMonths(dateObj1, dateObj2);
// -> 1
date1: DateObj | Date,
date2: DateObj | Date
) => DateDiffMonth[];
interface DateDiffMonth {
year: string;
month: string;
const dateObj1 = Ofn.dateObjBySql('2021-12-25');
const dateObj2 = Ofn.dateObjBySql('2022-01-05');
Ofn.datesDiffMonths(dateObj1, dateObj2);
// -> [ { year: '2021', month: '12' }, { year: '2022', month: '01' } ]
Ofn.dateCheckString( str: string, format?: DateStringFormat ) => boolean;
type DateStringFormat =
| 'datetime_strict'
| 'datetime_default_strict'
| 'datetime_html_strict'
| 'datetime_sql_strict'
| 'datetime'
| 'datetime_default'
| 'datetime_html'
| 'datetime_sql'
| 'html'
| 'date_html'
| 'sql'
| 'date_sql'
| 'default'
| 'date_default';
To check the format, it's used the regexps from (oro-regexp)[https://github.com/oropesa/oro-regexp]
Ofn.dateCheckString('2022-01-05', 'date_sql');
// -> true
Allowed formats:
Format name | Example | REGEXP |
datetime_strict | 30-12-2020 11:59[:59] | REGEXP.DATETIME_DEFAULT_STRICT |
datetime_default_strict | 30-12-2020 11:59[:59] | REGEXP.DATETIME_DEFAULT_STRICT |
datetime_html_strict | 30/12/2020 11:59[:59] | REGEXP.DATETIME_HTML_STRICT |
datetime_sql_strict | 2020-12-30 11:59[:59] | REGEXP.DATETIME_SQL_STRICT |
datetime | 30-12-2020 [11:59[:59]] | REGEXP.DATETIME_DEFAULT |
datetime_default | 30-12-2020 [11:59[:59]] | REGEXP.DATETIME_DEFAULT |
datetime_html | 30/12/2020 [11:59[:59]] | REGEXP.DATETIME_HTML |
datetime_sql | 2020-12-30 [11:59[:59]] | REGEXP.DATETIME_SQL |
html | 30/12/2020 | REGEXP.DATE_HTML |
date_html | 30/12/2020 | REGEXP.DATE_HTML |
sql | 2020-12-30 | REGEXP.DATE_SQL |
date_sql | 2020-12-30 | REGEXP.DATE_SQL |
default | 30-12-2020 | REGEXP.DATE_DEFAULT |
date_default | 30-12-2020 | REGEXP.DATE_DEFAULT |
Ofn.urlDecode( url: string ) => string;
// -> 'https://example.com?name=foo bar&plus=1+2'
Ofn.urlEncode( url: string ) => string;
Ofn.urlEncode('https://example.com?name=foo bar&plus=1+2');
// -> 'https%3A%2F%2Fexample.com%3Fname%3Dfoo%20bar%26plus%3D1%2B2'
Ofn.urlGetBase( url: string ) => string;
// -> 'https://example.com'
req: Pick<Request, 'originalUrl' | 'protocol'>, // type { Request } from 'express'
isFullpath?: boolean
) => string;
// simulating `Request` of express
const req = {
protocol: 'https',
originalUrl: '/',
get: (key) => {
const obj = { host: 'example.com' };
return obj[key];
// -> 'https://example.com/'
Ofn.urlGetCurrentByReq(req, false);
// -> '/'
req: Pick<Request, 'originalUrl' | 'protocol' | 'get'> // type { Request } from 'express'
) => string;
// simulating `Request` of express
const req = {
protocol: 'https',
originalUrl: '/',
get: (key) => {
const obj = { host: 'example.com' };
return obj[key];
// -> 'https://example.com'
Ofn.urlGetParams( urlOrQuery: string ) => Record<string, string | string[]>;
// -> { param1: 'value1', param2: 'value2' }
Ofn.urlIsValid( url: string ) => boolean;
// -> false
// -> true
Ofn.urlObjByUrl( url: string ) => URL | undefined;
// -> undefined
// -> new URL( url )
Ofn.urlPlainToString( url: string ) => string;
// -> 'https://example.com?name=foo bar&plus=1+2'
Ofn.urlStringToPlain( url: string ) => string;
Ofn.urlStringToPlain('https://example.com?name=foo bar&plus=1+2');
// -> 'https://example.com?name%3dfoo%20bar&plus%3d1+2'
Ofn.getFilenameByPath( path: string ) => string;
// -> 'filename.pdf'
Ofn.getFilenameExtByName( filenameOrPath: string ) => string;
// -> 'pdf'
Ofn.getFilenameWOutExtByName( filenameOrPath: string ) => string;
// -> 'filename'
path: string,
deep?: number // def: 1
) => string;
// -> '/var/www/htdoc'
Ofn.getFolderByPath('/var/www/htdoc/filename.pdf', 3);
// -> '/var'
Ofn.sanitizeFilename( path: string ) => string;
// -> 'AEION.pdf'
Ofn.sanitizePath( path: string ) => string;
// -> '/var/tmp/foo.pdf'
// -> 'C:/tmp/foo.pdf'
Ofn.slugifyFilename( path: string ) => string;
Ofn.slugifyFilename('/var/www/htdoc/Foo Bar.pdf');
// -> 'foo-bar.pdf'
To save an object in db, it's better as json
than php-serialize
So, by default, this functions work as json
and work well when in current dbs where already exist fields with php-serialize
Ofn.phpSerialize( str: string, strict?: string ) => boolean;
// -> false
// -> true
mixedValue: T,
strict?: boolean // def: false
) => string | T;
Ofn.phpSerialize({ foo: true });
// -> '{"foo":true}'
Ofn.phpSerialize({ foo: true }, true);
// -> 'a:1:{s:6:"foo";b:1;}'
str: string,
strict?: boolean // def: false
) => T | string;
// -> { foo: true }
// -> { foo: true }
Ofn.phpUnserialize('{"foo":true}', true);
// -> '{"foo":true}'
export type SResponse<
OK extends Record<string, any> = {},
KO extends Record<string, any> = {},
E extends boolean = false,
> = E extends true ? SResponseOK<OK> | SResponseError<KO> : SResponseOK<OK> | SResponseKO<KO>;
type SResponseOK<T extends Record<string, any> = {}> = T & {
status: true;
msg?: string;
type SResponseError<T extends Record<string, any> = {}> = T & { msg?: string };
type SResponseKO<T extends Record<string, any> = {}> = {
status: false;
error?: SResponseError;
tryAgain?: boolean;
type SResponseError<T extends Record<string, any> = {}> = Error & {
responseError: SResponseKO<T>;
Ofn.setResponseOK<T extends Record<string, any>>(
msgOrData?: string | T,
data?: T
) => SResponseOK<T>;
// -> { status: true }
// -> { status: true, msg: 'Reason' }
Ofn.setResponseOK({ label: 'foo' });
// -> { status: true, label: 'foo' }
Ofn.setResponseOK('Reason', { label: 'foo' });
// -> { status: true, msg: 'Reason', label: 'foo' }
Ofn.setResponseKO('Reason:', { msg: 'custom', label: 'foo' });
// -> { status: true, msg: 'Reason: custom', label: 'foo' }
Ofn.setResponseKO({ msg: 'Reason:' }, { msg: 'custom', label: 'foo' });
// -> { status: true, msg: 'Reason: custom', label: 'foo' }
Ofn.setResponseKO({ msg: 'Reason:', name: 'Example', label: 'bar' }, { msg: 'custom', label: 'foo' });
// -> { status: true, msg: 'Reason: custom', name: Example, label: 'foo' }
Allowed returned type:
SResponseOKBasic`{ status: true }`;
SResponseOKSimple`{ status: true, msg: string }`;
SResponseOKObject<T>`{ status: true } & T`;
SResponseOKObjectSimple<T>`{ status: true, msg: string} & T`;
Ofn.setResponseKO<T extends Record<string, any>, E extends boolean = false>(
msgOrError?: string | T,
error?: T,
tryAgain?: boolean, // def: false
asError?: E // def: false
) => E extends true ? SResponseError<T> : SResponseKO<T>;
// -> { status: false }
Ofn.setResponseKO('Error Reason');
// -> { status: false, error: { msg: 'Error Reason' } }
Ofn.setResponseKO({ label: 'foo' });
// -> { status: false, error: { label: 'foo' } }
Ofn.setResponseKO('Error Reason', { label: 'foo' });
// -> { status: false, error: { msg: 'Error Reason', label: 'foo' } }
Ofn.setResponseKO('Error Reason:', { msg: 'bad param', label: 'foo' });
// -> { status: false, error: { msg: 'Error Reason: bad param', label: 'foo' } }
Ofn.setResponseKO('Error Reason', { label: 'foo' }, true);
// -> { status: false, tryAgain: true, error: { msg: 'Error Reason', label: 'foo' } }
Ofn.setResponseKO('Error Reason', { label: 'foo' }, null, true);
// -> ( new Error() )
// .name = 'responseError'
// .message = 'Error Reason'
// .responseError = { status: false, error: { msg: 'Error Reason', label: 'foo' } }
Ofn.setResponseKO('Error Reason', { label: 'foo', errorName: 'customError' }, null, true);
// -> ( new Error() )
// .name = 'customError'
// .message = 'Error Reason'
// .responseError = { status: false, error: { msg: 'Error Reason', label: 'foo', errorName: 'customError' } }
Allowed returned type:
SResponseKOBasic`{ status: false }`;
SResponseKOBasicAgain`{ status: false, tryAgain: boolean }`;
SResponseKOSimple`{ status: false, error: { msg: string } }`;
SResponseKOSimpleAgain`{ status: false, error: { msg: string }, tryAgain: boolean }`;
SResponseKOObject`{ status: false, error: T }`;
SResponseKOObjectAgain`{ status: false, error: T, tryAgain: boolean }`;
SResponseKOObjectSimple`{ status: false, error: T & { msg: string } }`;
SResponseKOObjectSimpleAgain`{ status: false, error: T & { msg: string }, tryAgain: boolean }`;
SResponseErrorBasic`Error & { responseError: SResponseKOBasic }`;
SResponseErrorBasicAgain`Error & { responseError: SResponseKOBasicAgain }`;
SResponseErrorSimple`Error & { responseError: SResponseKOSimple }`;
SResponseErrorSimpleAgain`Error & { responseError: SResponseKOSimpleAgain }`;
SResponseErrorObject`Error & { responseError: SResponseKOObject }`;
SResponseErrorObjectAgain`Error & { responseError: SResponseKOObjectAgain }`;
SResponseErrorObjectSimple`Error & { responseError: SResponseKOObjectSimple }`;
SResponseErrorObjectSimpleAgain`Error & { responseError: SResponseKOObjectSimpleAgain }`;