OpenShift Catalog Console Library
A component library created for the cataloging components for The OpenShift Web Console.
Quick start
# install the dependencies with npm and bower
$ npm install
$ bower install
# build the library
$ npm run build
Showcase Application
There is a showcase application used to help develop and view the existing components in the library.
# run the server
$ npm run start
Go to https://localhost:9001 in your browser. (though it should auto-launch) This will watch for asset changes.
You will need to patch the web console oauth client to allow for port 9001:
$ oc login -u system:admin
$ oc patch oauthclient/openshift-web-console -p '{"redirectURIs":["https://localhost:9001/"]}'
Getting started
- Install Nodejs and npm
- Build the library with 'npm run build'
- Run the test server with 'npm run start'
- Launch a browser at https://localhost:9001/ this will watch for asset changes.
1. Unit Tests
- single run:
npm test
- live mode (TDD style):
npm run test:watch