v4.5.0 - 16-05-2023
Simple APIs to use with free servicies, request a APPID on and start!
Latest (Module) version of the package (Node.js > 16) can be found at the new package domain @cicciosgamino/openweather-apis
Simple abstraction layer for use the services offered by the website through its API's. You can easy reach the weather informations you need on over 400k weather stations. For get the APPID follow the link and complete the request process.
Version details
Main changes by version (if the first number change, old code you have written is not supported, for example between version 1.x.x to version 2.x.x (I apologize for that), all minor/major/fix in:
Like all node packages, install and mange operation are done by npm (use the -s if you want save the package in the package.json file) :
npm install openweather-apis
// install and save in package.json
npm install openweather-apis --save
// global installation
npm install -g openweather-apis
How to Use
Install the package with npm, import with the require statement in the app, and start to use the apis. First step is set the params for the request (request the api-key at ):
var weather = require('openweather-apis')
// English - en, Russian - ru, Italian - it, Spanish - es (or sp),
// Ukrainian - uk (or ua), German - de, Portuguese - pt,Romanian - ro,
// Polish - pl, Finnish - fi, Dutch - nl, French - fr, Bulgarian - bg,
// Swedish - sv (or se), Chinese Tra - zh_tw, Chinese Sim - zh (or zh_cn),
// Turkish - tr, Croatian - hr, Catalan - ca
// set city by name
// or set the coordinates (latitude,longitude)
weather.setCoordinate(50.0467656, 20.0048731)
// or set city by ID (recommended by OpenWeatherMap)
// or set zip code
// 'metric' 'internal' 'imperial'
// check for get the APPID
Current Weather Data
Using the following requests to API, you can get current weather data for any location on the Earth. Current weather data are updated in real time based on data from global weather providers and more than 40,000 weather stations. Weather data is available in JSON.
Import the module and start to use the functions :
// get the Temperature
weather.getTemperature(function(err, temp){
// get the Atm Pressure
weather.getPressure(function(err, pres){
// get the Humidity
weather.getHumidity(function(err, hum){
// get the Description of the weather condition
weather.getDescription(function(err, desc){
// get all the JSON file returned from server (rich of info)
weather.getAllWeather(function(err, JSONObj){
// Adds support for the onecall api endpoint.
weather.getWeatherOneCall = function(err, data){
This function returns a complete json object:
"description":"overcast clouds",
// get 3 days forecast
weather.getWeatherForecastForDays(3, function(err, obj){
// get a simple JSON Object with temperature, humidity, pressure and description
weather.getSmartJSON(function(err, smart){
This is the simple JSON object returned by the getSmartJSON(), pretty useful ! The rain value can be zero if not measured or a mesured value.
temp : 25,
humidity : 88,
pressure : 101325,
description : 'sun',
rain: 4,
weathercode : 200
this JSON object is easy to use and is enough for a lot of possible use of the weather data, for example the weathercode is easy to use for build check function, draw the icons ecc, for the complete table about this code go to this link on official [docs][1].
Geographic location
Yes, of course you can set the location to get info by the coordinates, first the latitude, second the longitude. Sometimes use the coordinates are worse than the city name !
weather.setCoordinate(50.0467656, 20.0048731)
Use the callback to check if an error is raised on the request (HTTP server unreachable or other connection, request problem), you need to handle the error on the request, for example :
weather.getTemperature(function(err, temp){
if(err) console.log(err)
// normal execution with no error
The package is tested with mocha and chai. You can find the tests in the /test folder. If you need to use more tests on the library, open an issue on the github repo (THANKS).
- [ ] Basic Unit testing
GNU General Public License v3.0