OMCSS (Organisable and Maintainable CSS) is an approach towards creating a scalable and modular architecture for your CSS that you can expand and maintain with ease.
Getting Started
OMCSS provides a bootstrap framework that will help you get started with your application's stylesheet. You can download OMCSS framework from the below options available:
- Download OMCSS framework
- Clone the repo:
git clone
- Install with npm:
npm install omcss
Sass compiler is a must to compile individual files into your application stylesheet.
Please visit to setup Sass based on your environment i.e. Linux, Windows, Mac OS X.
File Structure
├── base/
│ ├── _grid.scss
│ ├── _reset.scss
│ └── _typography.scss
├── layout/
│ ├── _header.scss
│ ├── _footer.scss
│ ├── _sidebar.scss
│ └── _form.scss
├── modules/
│ ├── _brand.scss
│ ├── _breadcrumb.scss
│ ├── _card.scss
│ ├── _carousel.scss
│ └── _modal.scss│
├── pages/
│ ├── _home.scss
│ ├── _about.scss
│ └── _contact.scss
├── themes/
│ ├── _default.scss
│ └── _dashboard.scss
├── utils/
│ ├── _config.scss
│ ├── _extends.scss
│ ├── _functions.scss
│ ├── _helpers.scss
│ ├── _mixins.scss
│ └── _variables.scss
├── vendors/
│ ├── _jquery-ui.scss
│ └── _bootstrap.scss
├── shame/
│ └── _shame.scss
└── application.scss
OMCSS provides a file structure that your can place in your application's source stylesheet directory and make use of it.
├── css/
│ ├── omcss/
│ └── application.css
├── js/
├── img/
└── index.html
You need to run sass compiler to compile individual scss files into your application into main stylesheet:
sass css/omcss/application.scss css/application.css
an alternative example would be:
sass source/stylesheets/omcss/application.scss build/stylesheets/application.css
OMCSS is an approach that will help designers and developers write code that will be future-clean and scalable at the same time. OMCSS' file structure helps developer organise their stylesheets in a manner that produces understandable and clean css structure that is easy to organise and maintain - OMCSS
OMCSS File Structure
OMCSS is a modular approach that helps you arrange your css into theme
, pages
, layouts
and modules
. Along with these, it also provide helper folders i.e. base
, utils
and vendors
to organise your helper css files.
Below is a complete description of OMCSS file structure:
Base Base contains css styles on base content such as reset, grid, typography etc.
Themes Themes contains css styles for your application themes such as primary, secondary, default, dashboard etc.
Pages Pages contains css styles for your individual pages such as home, about-us, contact etc.
Layouts Layouts contains css style for main application components such as header, footer, sidebar etc.
Modules Modules contains css style for re-usable application ui components such as carousel, navigation, breadcrumb, card etc.
Utils Modules contains utility styles such as mixins, functions, variables etc.
Vendors Vendor contains third-party css libraries and frameworks such as jquery-ui, bootstrap, foundation etc.
Shame Shame contains css styles that you are shame about or you have written as an urgent request and will soon change it and write proper code. Its wise to write messy css for any of the above styles over here.
Naming Convention
OMCSS follows Kebab case naming convention in its core e.g. .txt-white
, .nav-item
For components that contains sub-classes, OMCSS encourages _underscore
naming convention which add an underscore as it goes within the tree:
.parent {
._child {
.__sub-child {
Please note that above convention is not mandatory. It will facilitate developers to write consistent and future-proof code. However you are free to use any convention of your choice.
Please read for details on our code of conduct, and the process for submitting pull requests to us.
We use SemVer for versioning. For the versions available, see the tags on this repository.
Muhammad Ali Mansoor
Special Contributions
Ruchi Singhal
Santanu Satapathy
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details
- Twitter Bootstrap, Foundation CSS, Materialize CSS, Semantic UI, Tailwind, Marvel.