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0.2.0 • Public • Published


OT concurrent JSON database client and server over WebSockets.

Server: getting started in 5 steps

1. Installation

npm install olodb


  • a MongoDB instance running on port 27017

2. Create the server

const olodb = require("olodb/server");
const server = new olodb.Server();

3. Define the authentication function

server.auth = async function (credentials) {
    // ...

Based on the credentials object, this method should return a user id or null. A null user id will be intended as the user with minimum permissions.

By default it returns null.

4. Define the users permissions

server.getUserRole = async function (userId, collection, docName) {
    // ...

For each combination of parameters userId, collection and docName, it should return one of the following:

  • olojs.roles.OWNER to grant write permissions to the user on the entire document
  • olojs.rights.WRITER to grant write permissions to the user only on the data root key
  • olojs.rights.READER to grant read-only permission to the user
  • olojs.rights.NONE to deny access

By default it returns always olojs.roles.OWNER.

5. Start listening to incoming connections


httpServer is a nodejs http.Server

Client: getting started in 5 steps

1. Installation

In NodeJS:

npm install olodb

In the browser:

jspm install olodb=github:onlabsorg/olodb

2. Connect to the remote store

const olodb = require("olodb/client");
const store = new olodb.Store("wss:/hostname");
await store.connect(credentials)

The credentials object is defined by the server-side server.auth function.

3. Fetch a document

var doc = await store.getDocument(docId);

4. Read/Edit the document content

// retrieve and change the document root dictionary
var root = doc.get();
root.value = {a:1, b:2, c:['x','y','z'], d={u:10, v:20, w:30}, s:"abcdef"};
// retrieve and edit a primitive item
var item = root.get('a');
item.value              // -> 1
item.type === "numb"    // true
// retrieve and edit a Dict item
var dict = root.get('d');
dict.value              // -> {u:10, v:20, w:30}
dict.type === "dict";   // true
dict.set('v', 21);      // change value of item d/v
dict.remove('v');       // remove the key 'v' from the dictionary
// retrieve and edit a List item
var list = root.get('c');
list.value              // -> ['x','y','z']
list.type === "list";   // true
list.size === 3;        // true
list.set(1, 'yy');      // change the value of item c/1
list.insert(1, 'xy')    // c is now equal to ['x', 'xy', 'yy', z]
list.remove(2);         // c is now equal to ['x', 'xy', z]
// retrieve and edit a Text item
var text = root.get('s');
text.value              // -> "abcdef"
text.size === 6         // true
text.insert(1, "xxx");  // s is now equal to "axxxbcdef";
text.remove(1, 3);      // s is now equal to "abcdef"
// retrieve deep items
var u = doc.get().get('d').get('u');
var u = doc.get().get('d/u');
var u = doc.get('d/u');

5. Subscribe to changes

var subscription = doc.get('d').subscribe( (change) => {...} );
// ...

Every time the document item d changes, the callback gets called with an olojs Change object as parameter.

6. Close

await doc.close();
await store.disconnect();


olodb is an implementation of the olojs Store.
You can refer to the olojs documentation for detailed store API.

Related projects

You may also be interested in the following projects:

  • olojs: A library defining the Store interface that olodb implements.
  • ShareDB: A database frontend for concurrent editing systems on which olodb is based
  • olowc: Collection of web-components acting as web interface to the remote data structures provided by olojs.
  • olopy: A Python implementation of olojs.
  • olowa: A web application leveraging olojs, olowc and [olodb][] to create a concurrent data browser and editor for the web.


MIT - Copyright (c) 2017 Marcello Del Buono

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