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0.1.21 • Public • Published

AngularResource (WIP)

Angular reactive/http/etc resource (AngularJS like)

You can use it like AngularJS resource, or like event driven library if you follow reactive way. E.g. you have chat app. So, you just add http methods for getting all messages and web-socket methods for others and it works in one stream! You also can use internal state of the resource (all or last page of chat messages in our example) and make reducer in the Redux style if you prefer this


If you plan to use HTTP resource you should import Angular HttpClientModule or AngularResourceModule from oi-angular-resource


import { AngularResourceModule } from 'oi-angular-resource';

    imports: [AngularResourceModule]

First you need to extend base reactiveResource by extra http, websockets and other methods what you need and adjust them by default values etc.


import { ReactiveResource, StateConfig } from 'oi-angular-resource/core';
import { HttpConfig, HttpMethod, Get, Post, Put, Patch, Delete, Options, Head, Jsonp} from 'oi-angular-resource/http';
import { WebSocketConfig, Open, Close, Send } from 'oi-angular-resource/web-socket';
import { LocalStorageConfig, LoadFromLocalStorage, SaveToLocalStorage, RemoveFromLocalStorage } from 'oi-angular-resource/local-storage';

  url: 'wss://some-url',
  protocols: [],
  onMessageEventName: 'msg'
  name: 'myStorage', // Random string
  transformRequest: trReqFunc, // JSON.stringify
  transformResponse: trResFunc // JSON.parse
  host: 'http://test.com',
  headers: {Authorization: 'some-token'},
  withCredentials: true,
  transformResponse (response, options) {
    return newResponse;
export class ApiResourceExample extends ReactiveResource {
  // Http methods
  query   = Get({isArray: true});
  get     = Get();
  create  = Post();
  update  = Patch();
  replace = Put();
  delete  = Delete();

  // Web socket methods
  open    = Open();
  close   = Close();
  send    = Send();

  // Local storage
  loadFromLocalStorage   = LoadFromLocalStorage();
  saveToLocalStorage     = SaveToLocalStorage();
  removeFromLocalStorage = RemoveFromLocalStorage();

export * from 'oi-angular-resource/core';
export * from 'oi-angular-resource/http';
export * from 'oi-angular-resource/web-socket';
export * from 'oi-angular-resource/local-storage';

You can extend and adjust your resource as many times as you want. New options will be merged


import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';
import { ApiResourceExample, HttpConfig, StateConfig, Get, Post, Put, Patch, Delete } from './api-resource';

  url: '/users/current',
  initialState: {},
  updateState: (state, action) => { // Reducer
    if (action.error) {
      return state;
    switch (action.type) {
      case 'get':
        return action.payload;
        return state;
export class CurrentUserResource extends ApiResourceExample {
  customMethod: Get({/* options */})

Then you can use this resource where you want (Promise, Observable, simple/reactive forms, any cases)


import { CurrentUserResource } from './resources/current-user.res';

  selector: 'app',
  templateUrl: './app.component.html',
  providers: [CurrentUserResource]
export class AppComponent implements OnInit {

  private currentUser: CurrentUserResource,
) {}
public ngOnInit() {
  // Common way (Promise)
    .then(user => {
    .catch(error => {
  // Reactive way (Observable)
  this.currentUser.state.subscribe(state => {

  this.currentUser.errors.subscribe(error => {
  // Use custom events (Subject)
  this.currentUser.actions.next({type: 'custom', payload: 123});
  this.currentUser.actions.subscribe(action => {
    console.log(action); //{type: 'custom', payload: 123}

  // Or with sugar

  this.currentUser.action('someEvent').subscribe(payload => {
    console.log(payload); //123

HTTP config

  • url string - URL

  • host string - HOST

  • body any - Request BODY (for POST, PUT, PATCH etc. methods)

  • headers { [key: string]: string | string[] } - HEADERS

  • params any - QUERY | Template | etc. params

  • observable boolean - Response is Observable or Promise

  • noTrailingSlash boolean - Remove trailing slash

  • withCredentials boolean - Use credentials

  • isArray boolean - Result is in array

  • reportProgress boolean - ?

  • responseType arraybuffer | blob | json | text - Response type

  • transformRequest (request: Request, httpConfig: IHttpConfig) => any

  • transformResponse (response: any, httpConfig: IHttpConfig) => any

  • transformErrorResponse (errorResponse: HttpErrorResponse, httpConfig: IHttpConfig) => HttpErrorResponse | never | any - (Return undefined or NEVER to prevent this event)

  • mock (req: Request, httpConfig: IHttpConfig) => any - Server mock

  • cache boolean - Cache similar request

  • cancelDuplicates boolean - Cancel previous duplicate requests

Development server

Run ng serve for a dev server. Navigate to http://localhost:4200/. The application will automatically reload if you change any of the source files.


Run ng build angular-resource to build the project. The build artifacts will be stored in the angular-resource/dist/ directory.


After building your library with ng build angular-resource, go to the dist folder cd dist/angular-resource and run npm publish.

Running unit tests

Run ng test angular-resource to execute the unit tests via Karma.

Running end-to-end tests

Run ng e2e angular-resource to execute the end-to-end tests via a platform of your choice. To use this command, you need to first add a package that implements end-to-end testing capabilities.

Further help

To get more help on the Angular CLI use ng help or go check out the Angular CLI Overview and Command Reference page.




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  • tamtakoe