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Fast and simple library to increase developing speed by samples and state control, auto-tests, cache and other. You can develop new features with Objs without rewriting anything. Examples and full documentation are here: Full Documentation (sandbox and free samples are coming soon)

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Just include script or load in project by NPM

<script src="objs.1.0.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
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  • Samples and state control
  • Store data in object itself
  • Cache server rendered elements


  • Sync/async tests
  • Console & HTML output
  • Autotests


  • Separated HTML and JS logic
  • Async loading JS, CSS, images
  • Controlled JS and CSS cache

Main principles

Dynamic content

Create sample

To control elements Objs uses states. State - it's an information how to create or change DOM element. To create an element use render state with html (inner HTML) and tag attributes:

// state called render for timer example
const timerStates = {
	render: {
	    tag: 'div',
		class: 'timer',
		html: 'Seconds: <span>0</span>',
  • render could be a string if you use HTML samples (see documentation): '<div class="timer">Seconds:<span>0</span></div>'
  • default tag is div (if tag is undefined)
  • attributes dataset and style can be object type
  • to append elements inside - use append with DOM element/Objs or an array of them as a value


Then add a new state that will start and finish counting. Number will be stored in the object itself - self object. So the state will be a function that gets self, creates a variable, increments it by interval and shows as innerHTML of span:

// new timer states object
const timerStates = {
	render: {
		class: 'timer',
		html: 'Seconds: <span>0</span> ',
	start: ({self}) => {
		// save number or create
		self.n = self.n || 0;
		// start interval
		self.interval = setInterval(() => {
		}, 1000);
	stop: ({self}) => {
  • every state gets object with self - Objs object o - o-function to use inside i - index of the current element in Objs object

Append in DOM

The last thing is to create and append element on the page. To do this - init states, render object and start timer... And also - append it.

// create and start timer
const timer = o.init(timerStates)

// stop timer

Main settings

o.showErrors – turn on/off showing errors (false) o.errors – an array of all hidden errors, can be logged by o.logErrors() for debug o.onError – a function than will be called with an error as an argument

This and some more complex live examples are in the full documentation. There are lots of useful methods and settings.


Almost all functions return control object with methods, let's call it Objs.

Core functions

o(q) – gets elements to control object. If [string] - by querySelectorAll(q) into control object, if DOM element or an array of them - gets them, if [number] - gets control object from o.inits[q].

o.first(q) – gets element to control by querySelector(q).

o.take(q) – gets elements like o(q) from DOM but if there is just one element or equal number of elements to inited in o.inits[] before, gets all inited elements and their methods.

States control

o.init(states) – returns Objs, creates method(s) for each state to create, change elements. State called render is reserved for creation elements. states can be [string], [object], [function] that returns [string] or [object]. After init() Objs gets a initID parameter for a saved object in o.inits. More info about structure and features here.

o.initState(state, [props]) – inite method and call it with props, e.g. to render/create element. Objs gets a .initID parameter for a saved object in o.inits[].

o.inits[initID] – an array of all inited objects. Available by index initID or o.take().

o.showErrors – false as default, but all errors are saved in o.errors[]

o.errors – an array of all errors

o.logErrors() – a function to log all hidden errors in console

o.onError(error) – a function that called if an error happens, set it for your needs


o.get(url, [props]) – returns promise for GET AJAX, data in props as an [object] will be converted to string parameters.

o.post(url, props) – returns promise for POST AJAX, data in props as an [object] will be converted to body.

o.ajax(url, props) – returns propmise for AJAX, needs method in props equal to GET or POST, data will be converted for GET/POST format.

o.getParams([key]) – returns GET key value or an object with all GET parameters.

Include / load JS, CSS, images

o.inc(sources, [callBack, callBad]) – returns [number] setID, gets souces is an object like {nameID: url, ...} where nameID is unique ID, url link to JS, CSS or image, callBack – function to run after everything is loaded successfully, callBad - function to run on failure. Functions gets setN as the first argument.

o.incCheck(setID) – true if include files set number setID is loaded.

o.incCacheClear([all]) – true. Clears localStorage JS, CSS cache. If all is true, removes DOM elements of include and clears all include data.

o.incCache – true, cache in localStorage enabled.

o.incCacheExp – 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24, cache for 24 hours.

o.incTimeout – 6000, ms timeout to load function.

o.incSource – '', prefix for urls.

o.incForce – false, do not load already loaded files.

o.incAsync – true, async loading, set to false for in order loading.

o.incCors – false, do not allow loading from other domains

o.incFns – object, array of name:status for all loaded functions.

Unit tests

o.test(title, test1, test2, ..., callBack) – returns [number] testID, gets [string] title and tests like ["Test title", testFunction], where testFunction should return true for success and false or string for failure. If test is async, testFunction should get the first parameter and use it in o.testUpdate().

o.testUpdate(info, result, [description]) – returns undefined, gets info object (the first parameter of any testFunction) to update test status and set it to result (true or false/string), description - additional text if needed. Used for test status update for async tests. More info here.

o.tLog[testID] – test sessions and text results.

o.tRes[testID] – test sets results as true/false.

o.tStatus[testID: [functionID: true/false],...] – an array of set test functions statuses.

o.tShowOk – false, success tests are hidden, only errors. Set to true to see success results before o.test().

o.tStyled – false, logs are in console view. Set to true to make logs HTML styled before o.test().

o.tTime – 2000, milliseconds timeout for async tests.


Here are methods, o() means that they are available after getting elements from DOM or after init and render functions (after creating elements).

Select / DOM

o().reset(q) – clears Objs and get new elements by q, works as o().

o().select([i]) – selects number i element from 0 to change only it, if i is undefined selects the last index element.

o().all() – selects all elements to operate again.

o().remove([i]) – removes all or i element from DOM.

o().skip(i) – removes i element from control set of this Objs.

o().add() – adds element to control set.

o().find(q) – finds all children elements by q-query in each element.

o().first(q) – finds only the first child element by q-query in each element.

o().length – number of elements of control set.

o().el – the first DOM element in the set.

o().els – all DOM elements of the set.

o().last – the last DOM element in the set.


o().init() – equal to o.init() but with elements to control.

o().initState() – equal to o.initState() but with elements to control.

o().sample() – returns states object with render state for creation such elements.

o().html([html]) – returns html string of all elements or sets innerHTML as html.

o().initID – undefined or number. After o().init(), o().initState() Objs sets this parameter as index in o.inits[] to get ready elements. If elements were removed from DOM, they still there for re-use.

Direct DOM edit

o().attr(attribute, [value]) – sets attribute to value or removes attribute if value is equal to '' or returns attribute value if value is undefined. If .select() was not used before - returns an array of values.

o().attrs() – returns an array of all elements attributes, if .select() was used before - returns an object with values of one element.

o().dataset([object]) – Sets dataset values due to the object data. It will not delete other dataset values. If .select() was used before - returns an object with dataset of one element or changes just one element.

o().style(value) – sets style attribute to [string] value.

o().css(object) – sets style attribute to [string] created from object elements and values, e.g. {width: '100px', 'font-family': 'Arial'}.

o().setClass(value) – sets class attribute to value.

o().addClass(class) – adds class.

o().removeClass(class) – removes class.

o().toggleClass(class, rule) – switch having and not having class by rule. If rule set class.

o().haveClass(class) – returns true if all elements have class.

o().innerHTML([html]) – if html is set, sets innerHTML af all elements. If not set, returns array with innerHTML of each element.

o().innerText(text) – sets innerText for all elements.

o().textContent(content) – sets textContent for all elements.


o().forEach(function) – runs function with ab object as the first parameter: {o, self, i} where is o-function, self Objs object and i-index of current element.


o().on(events, function, [options]) – adds events listeners separated by ', ' to elements.

o().off(events, function, [options]) – removes events listeners separated by ', ' to elements.

o().offAll([event]) – removes all listeners or for special event from elements.

o().onAll([event]) – adds all inited listeners from cache for all or for special event.

o().ie – object with all ever added listeners like {click: [[function, options], ...], ...}.

DOM insert

o().appendInside(q) – append elements inside element q or got by q query.

o().appendBefore(q) – append elements before element q or got by q query.

o().appendAfter(q) – append elements after element q or got by q query.


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