
3.2.0 • Public • Published

Name That Color And Hue with I18n

Convert hexadecimal, RGB, HSL, LCH or CMYK color to a name and a shade with i18n support.

ntc-hi-js is a complete overhaul of Chirag Mehta and Colblindor work.

ntc-hi-js leverage the powerful chroma.js library to support a wider range of formats and offer more accurate matching.


Install directly:

npm i ntc-hi-js

Or add to your package.json

"ntc-hi-js": "^3.2.0"

Getting Started

const ntc = require('ntc-hi-js')

const n_match = ntc.name('#6195ED', 'en')

n_match.color.hex   // This is the RGB value of the closest matching color
n_match.color.name  // This is the text string for the name of the match
n_match.color.exact // True if exact color match, False if close-match

n_match.shade.hex   // This is the RGB value for the name of colors shade
n_match.shade.name  // This is the text string for the name of colors shade
n_match.shade.exact // True if exact color match, False if close-match

console.log(n_match) // [ '#6495ED', 'Cornflower Blue', false ]


Supported Formats

ntc-hi.js leverage the powerful chroma.js library to support a variety of formats. Any color information that fit into a single variable can be used directly:

ntc.name('619')                     // hex
ntc.name('#619')                    // hex
ntc.name('6195ED')                  // hex
ntc.name('#6195ED')                 // hex
ntc.name(0xff3399)                  // hex
ntc.name(16777215)                  // int
ntc.name([97, 149, 237])            // rgb
ntc.name({ r:97, g:149, g:237})     // rgb
ntc.name({ h:120, s:1, l:0.75})     // hsl
ntc.name({ l:80, c:25, h:200 })     // lch
ntc.name({ c:1, m:0.5, y:0, k:0.2}) // cmyk

If none of these format is satisfactory, it's also possible to directly pass a chroma.js color object. Please refer to their documentation for further information.

ntc.name(chroma(330, 1, 0.6, 'hsl'))

Translate into a target locale

Retrieving a translation is a simple parameter with the locale code.

ntc.name('#6195ED', 'fr')

If a locale table is not present, the fallback locale will be used. To change this fallback:

ntc.fallback_locale = 'en' // 'en' is the default fallback

Add your own color dictionary

A color dictionary is structured as a folder with a json object for each locale.

├── my_dictionary
│   ├── en.json
│   ├── fr.json
│   └── ...

The json object for a locale is a list of hex/name combos.

["FF0000", "Red"],
["FFA500", "Orange"],
["FFFF00", "Yellow"],
["008000", "Green"]

Once this is setup, you must register your dictionary path and launch a rebuild. The example also include the usage of a absolute path, which might be handy for moving the object around modules.

// with a relative path
ntc.dictionaries_path.my_dictionary = './my_dictionary'
// with an absolute path
ntc.dictionaries_path.my_dictionary = require('path').resolve('my_dictionary')

Live Demo

Live demo of the original ntcjs library


Live demo of the Colblindor's version with the hue feature


Running the Tests

Make sure you install the necessary dev dependencies needed to run the tests:

npm install

Then run the tests

npm test


All credit goes to Chirag Mehta for creating the original ntc.js library.

Some credit goes to Colblindor for his hue modification.


ntc-hi-js is an open source project and we encourage contributions.


  • Support more locales
  • Review current locale for the quality of some translations

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