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0.1.3 • Public • Published



The main purpose of this module is to run install scripts only when developping or in production. It also supports every other lifecycle.

Sometimes, in your project, you run npm install to get your modules. You also want to run some command to get setup for development. However, if you setup an install script

  "scripts": {
    "install": "somecommand"

This command will get run also whenever anyone installs your module or when you have NODE_ENV=production.


$ npm install npm-lifecycle-runner


Create a file in the root of your project to run your installation script, ie: installScript.js.

Then you can require npm-lifecycle-runner and call it with the path to the root of your project, ie: __dirname and a list of commands you want to run.

For instance

var lifecycleRunner = require("npm-lifecycle-runner");
lifecycleRunner(__dirname, [
    type: "devInstall",
    cmd: "echo You are now setup to develop"
    type: "prodInstall",
    cmd: "echo check for details"

Then add in your package.json

  "scripts": {
    "install": "node installScript.js"


  • require("npm-lifecycle-runner"): function(projectRoot, cmdsList)
    • projectRoot: String, path to the root of your project
    • cmdsList: Command | Command[], list of commands to execute
  • Command: String | { type?: String, cmd: String, onSuccess?: String | function(stdout, stderror) => void onError?: function(err, stdout, stderror) => void }, The command to run. If the command is a string it reprensents the command to run.
    • PossibleTypes: Optional. Default: "devInstall"
      • "devInstall": Runs the script when installing modules while developping, devDependencies will be available.
      • "prodInstall": Runs the script when installing for production or when another module install your module, devDependencies will be unavailable
      • "install": Runs the script on install regardless of development or production. Acts exactly like putting your command in the package.json
      • Every other npm lifecycle commands
    • onSuccess: Optional. If it's a string, it will output it if the command succeed. If it's a function, it will be called back with the output of the command.
    • onError: Optional. Callback with the error message and the output of the command. If this is missing, it will simply output the stderror in the console.
  • getLifecycle: function(projectRoot) => lifecycle. Exposed method to get the current lifecycle. Use require("npm-lifecycle-runner").getLifecycle(process.cwd())




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  • cellule
  • mathieumg