
1.0.3 • Public • Published


novux lets you to write Redux code simpler & faster by using an opinionated reducer generator.

  1. less boilerplate: instead of having to write and maintain dozens of actions creators, simply change state using two actions, update or reset.
  2. less maintenance: reduce the number of tests you have to write to only focus on business logic — all reducer action creator tests are handled by novux
  3. code faster: easily declare and describe state changes to make coding & collaboration easier, even as state changes become more complex


npm install novux
npm run build
npm run test

Get started

Create your reducers

import createReducer from 'novux';
const initialStates = {
  user: {
    name: 'Michael',
    company: 'Nova Credit'
const userReducer = createReducer('user', initialStates.user);

Dispatch actions

novux lets you run Redux by handling only two actions: update and reset.

update is used to update the state of a single reducer given an object. reset is used to reset the reducer to its initial state or reset specific keys to their initial values.

Both actions have the following signature: actionName(reducerName, tag, options)

  • actionName: how is the state being changed?
  • reducerName: which reducer is being affected?
  • tag: why is this change relevant?
  • options: what values are affected?


import { update, reset } from 'novux';
dispatch(update('user', 'Change username', {
    username: 'Stash',
dispatch(reset('user', 'Reset the initial state', {
    reset: [],
dispatch(reset('user', 'Reset specific keys', {
    reset: ['username'],
// dispatch is provided by redux:

Use dot notation paths

When reseting state, you can also pass in paths in dot notation

dispatch(reset('user', 'Reset paths', {
    reset: ['address.street'],
// if a path is defined in the initial state, it will be reset to its initial value
// if a path is undefined in the initial state, `novux` will seek the longest sub path defined in the initial state and reset

Why a tag

Using the tag string instead of an action name to define a state change lets you describe state changes programatically.

The tag is included in the updated state under the key _lastAction, allowing you to keep track of what action last affected a specific reducer in your dev tools.

const consent = true;
const { username } = getState().user;
dispatch(update('user', `${username} ${consent ? 'grants' : 'revokes'} consent`, {

Connecting the dots

novux can help you declare increasingly complicated sets of state updates in simple and consistent ways.

const toggleConsent = consent => (dispatch, getState) => {
    const { username } = getState().user;
    dispatch(update('user', `${username} ${consent ? 'grants' : 'revokes'} consent`, {
    if (!consent) {
        dispatch(update('app', `Show error & disable button`, {
            error: {
                msg: 'You need to grant consent to proceed',
                type: 'flash',
            button: { able: false }
// this example makes use of redux-thunk to easily access dispatch and state



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  • julesterrien