
0.3.0 • Public • Published

Norman Logging component

#http logging configuration

It is possible to customize http logging through the "http" section of the logging configuration. This sections contains the following properties, sub-sections

##logMode Property wich may take the following values

  • "response" mode creates a single log entry per request (at the end of the request processing)
  • "both" mode creates an additional log entry at the beginnning of the request processing

##logLevel Sub-section to control the log level for the request and the response (based on its status).

  • request log level of request log entry in both mode, debug by default
  • info log level for all 1xx responses, debug by default
  • success log level for all 2xx responses, info by default
  • redirect log level for all 3xx responses, info by default
  • clientError log level for all 4xx responses, warn by default
  • error log level for all 5xx responses, error by default
  • <status code> log level for a particular status code. Default configuration contains a "404": "info"

##request Sub-section to select request properties to log. A given property will be logged if the corresponding property in the sub-section exists with a truthy value (e.g. true or 1). Supported properties are

  • host returns the property. In BUILD, express has been enhanced in order to leverage X-Forwarded-Host or X-ProxyBaseURL request headers if "trust proxy" settings is on.
  • httpVersion
  • ip returns the request.ip property. Express sets this property leveraging the X-Forwarded-For header if "trust proxy" settings is on. (not yet available)
  • method
  • protocol returns the request.protocol property. In BUILD, express has been enhanced in order to leverage X-Forwarded-Proto or X-ProxyBaseURL request headers if "trust proxy" settings is on.
  • remoteAddress
  • url

##response Sub-section to select response properties to log. A given property will be logged if the corresponding property in the sub-section exists with a truthy value (e.g. true or 1). Supported properties are

  • responseTime
  • status

##requestHeaders Sub-section to select request headers to log. A given header will be logged if the corresponding property in the sub-section exists with a truthy value (e.g. true or 1).

If a truthy "*" property is defined, all headers will be logged except those which are explicitly defined with a falsy value.

Authorization and Cookie headers will never be logged.

##responseHeaders Sub-section to select response headers to log. A given header will be logged if the corresponding property in the sub-section exists with a truthy value (e.g. true or 1).

If a truthy "*" property is defined, all headers will be logged except those which are explicitly defined with a falsy value.

Set-Cookie header will never be logged.




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  • davidjones02
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