This component offers the generation of a structured and standard NodeJS component. Of course this is a first version and does not contain all the future improvements and the best structure, but it remains a very useful tool to simplify the creation of NodeJS projects. A TypeScript version should also be available soon
Where we use "CM" for "ComponentManager" shurtcut.
In source server file : app.js
const CM = require('nodejs-component-manager');
const CM = CMLib.init(app);
CM.add(component = {
name: 'FirstTest',
type: 'default',
code : {
js: 'let test = \'test\'',
ejs: 'let test = \'test\'',
api: 'let test = \'test\'',
controller: 'let test = \'test\'',
middelwares: 'let test = \'test\'',
model: 'let test = \'test\'',
mongo: 'let test = \'test\'',
firebase: 'let test = \'test\'',
amazone: 'let test = \'test\''
- ComponentName.js