
1.0.14 • Public • Published


NodeDBI is a LibDBI interface for Node.js.

For the source code please visit the github repository.

In addition to providing a traditional interface for SQL database access, it also offers developers the ability of paging on results programmatically and storing result handles to a session as shown below.

It's somewhat complete, and of course contributions are much appreciated.

LibDBI and development headers are required.

On Debian or Ubuntu, apt-get install libdbi-dev.

Then run node-gyp configure build to build the module and node-gyp install to install it.


I've put together a couple Gists that may be useful:

var mod = require('nodedbi');
var args = { 'host':'localhost', 'port':3306, 'username':'root', 'password':'', 'type':'mysql', 'dbname':'test' };
var obj = new mod.DBConnection( args );
var q = obj.query("SELECT * FROM users WHERE username=%1 OR id=%2", ['doneill', 6]);
if( !)
        console.log("Query failed!");
// Simple:
var results = q.toArray();
// Doing the same thing manually:
var rc = q.count();
console.log("Row count: "+rc);
var fc = q.fieldCount();
console.log("Field count: "+q.fieldCount());
var fna = [];
for( var x=0; x < fc; x++ )
        var fn = q.fieldName(x+1);
        console.log("Field name("+(x+1)+"): "+fn);
        fna.push( fn );
for( var y=0; y < rc; y++ )
        for( var x=0; x < fc; x++ )
                var v = q.value(x+1);
                console.log( y+" ["+fna[x]+"] = ["+v+"]" );


DBConnection( args )

Create a new database connection and connect.

Must be called with new qualifier, eg:

var NodeDBI = require('nodedbi');
var db = new NodeDBI.DBConnection(args);

A type parameter is required. Other parameters are database specific. For database specific driver options see the libdbi-drivers documentation.

  • args - Object containing LibDBI-specific connection parameters in key:value sets.
  • Returns: A database object, or undefined and an Exception on failure.

DBConnection::query(queryString, [parameters])

Create and execute a database query.

  • queryString - Query string with placeholders enumerated as %1, %2, etc.
  • parameters - Optional array of query placeholder values.
  • Returns: A DBQuery object, or false if the query fails for any reason.


Retrieve the latest error as a string.

  • Returns: The latest database error as a string.


Retrieve the latest error.

  • Returns: The latest database error enumerated as below. See LibDBI's documentation for a comprehensive list. (Enumerations are members of the imported nodedbi module. For example, if imported with var DBI = require('nodedbi'); one would reference an error as **if( db.lastErrorCode() == DBI.DBI_ERROR_CLIENT ) ... ** or similar.)
    • ...


Fetch the row ID generated by the last INSERT command. The row ID is most commonly generated by an auto-incrementing column in the table.

  • name - The name of the sequence, or NULL if the database engine does not use explicit sequences.
  • Returns: A value corresponding to the ID that was created by the last INSERT command. If the database engine does not support sequences, the function returns 0.


This object is returned by DBConnection::query and cannot be instantiated on its own.


Row count of result set.

  • Returns: A count of the returned rows in a SELECT or similar query.


Column count of the result set.

  • Returns: A count of the returned columns (fields) in a SELECT or similar query.


Fetch the field name of a specific column index. Column indexes in LibDBI begin at 1, not 0.

  • column - The column index in the result object. Column indexes in LibDBI begin at 1, not 0.
  • Returns: The name of the field at the specified index or undefined and an exception if the index is invalid.


Fetch the column index of a specific field name. Column indexes in LibDBI begin at 1, not 0.

  • fieldName - The field name in the result object.
  • Returns: The column index with the specified field name or undefined and an exception if the field name isn't found. Column indexes in LibDBI begin at 1, not 0.


Seek to a specified row in the resultset. Row indexes in LibDBI begin at 1, not 0.

  • row - The row index in the result object. Row indexes in LibDBI begin at 1, not 0.
  • Returns: true on success, false or an exception on failure.


Seek the cursor to the previous row in the resultset.

  • Returns: true on success, false if already at the first result in the set.


Seek the cursor to the next row in the resultset.

  • Returns: true on success, false if already at the last result in the set.


Fetch the current row index of the resultset cursor. Row indexes in LibDBI begin at 1, not 0.

  • Returns: The current row index. Row indexes in LibDBI begin at 1, not 0.


Fetch the value of the specified field on the current row index of the resultset cursor. Row and column indexes in LibDBI begin at 1, not 0.

field can be either a numeric column index or the field name.

Values are converted to the best Javascript type possible to avoid loss of precision. Binary data is returned as a Buffer object.

  • Returns: The value.


Starts a transaction.

  • Returns: true on success, false if the database cannot or will not start a new transaction.


Commits a transaction, i.e. writes all changes since the transaction was started to the database.

  • Returns: true on success, false if the database cannot or will not commit the transaction.


Rolls back a transaction, i.e. reverts all changes since the transaction started.

  • Returns: true on success, false if the database cannot or will not commit the transaction.

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  • npm
  • danieloneill
  • xguimard