
0.0.4 • Public • Published


A Node-RED node to backup/restore the node-red-flow to/from Cloudant.
Mainly assumes the running at Node-RED on the IBM Bluemix.

How to Install

Run the following command in the root directory of your Node-RED install

npm install node-red-flowbasket

How to Use

Preparations are necessary as follows before using Node

  1. To create a Cloudant service
  2. To create a DB to back up the flow
  3. To create a following of Search Index SearchIndes

toBackup Node settings are as follows:

  • SourceCloudant : To set up the connection information of CloudantDB the various settings of the Node-RED has been stored
  • TargetCloudant : To set the connection information for CloudantDB to back up the Flow
  • AppName : To set the Node-RED application name to back up the Flow
  • TargetDB : To set the CloudantDB name to back up the Flow

toRestore Node settings are as follows:

  • RestoreCloudant : To set up the connection information of CloudantDB the various settings of the Node-RED has been stored
  • BackupCloudant : To set the connection information for CloudantDB to back up the Flow
  • AppName : To set the Node-RED application name to back up the Flow
  • BackupDB : To set the CloudantDB name to back up the Flow

Copyright and license

Copyright (c) 2016 Kota Suizu
Released under the MIT license

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  • kotasuizu