A Node-RED node using PhantomJS to snapshot pages. A usecase is to snapshot pages with D3JS charts.
This node is part of project node-red-contrib-viseo powered by VISEO Technologies.
Quick Start
install npm
npm install node-red-contrib-viseo-phantomjs
Install bzip2
to unzip phnatojs
sudo apt-get install bzip2
PhantomJS works with Ghostscript Font Type1
sudo apt-get install libfontconfig
sudo apt-get install fontconfig
Font should be installed here:
sudo cp fonts/arial/type1/* /usr/share/fonts/type1/
fc-cache -fv
Use fc-list
command to check if font are correctly installed. The provided font name is not Arial but A030
Then install npm
npm install node-red-contrib-viseo-phantomjs
On Linux, for a better rendering of font, Type1 font must be added in /usr/share/fonts/type1
and the run fc-cache -fv
A demonstration flow can be imported from /demo/demo.json.
Getting Help
For further help, or general discussion, please use the github issue tracker and in order to be labeled with question
tag please specify :
- Your message is a question / discussion
- The module or node name
Before raising a pull-request, please read our contributing guide.
This project adheres to the Contributor Covenant 1.4. By participating, you are expected to uphold this code. Please report unacceptable behavior to any of the project's core team.
This project is a creation of VISEO Technology.
- Jean-Philippe Encausse @jpencausse
Copyright and license
Copyright 2016-2017 VISEO under the Apache 2.0 license.