How to Install
Run the following command in the root directory of your Node-RED install
Get html from url: html is parsed from the GET URL request.
A node to scrape html of msg.payload to a JSON.
The transformation is defined by mapping property.
This property is an object containing the scraping information.
If you want to scrape a list, you have to use the listItem
- `listItem` (String): The list item selector.
- `data` (Object): The fields to include in the list objects:
- `<fieldName>` (Object|String): The selector or an object containing:
- `selector` (String): The selector.
- `convert` (Function): An optional function to change the value.
- `how` (Function|String): A function or function name to access the
- `attr` (String): If provided, the value will be taken based on
the attribute name.
- `trim` (Boolean): If `false`, the value will *not* be trimmed
(default: `true`).
- `closest` (String): If provided, returns the first ancestor of
the given element.
- `eq` (Number): If provided, it will select the *nth* element.
- `texteq` (Number): If provided, it will select the *nth* direct text child.
Deep text child selection is not possible yet.
Overwrites the `how` key.
- `listItem` (Object): An object, keeping the recursive schema of
the `listItem` object. This can be used to create nested lists.
For the format of the selector, please refer to the Selectors section of the Cheerio library
How to selector css?
MAPPING: { "News": { "listItem": ".views-row", "data": { "Title": ".title.titleKarlaBold", "By-AuThor": ".byAuthor.titleKarlaBold" } } }