This library provides a class to track current, recent, and long-running requests within a Node HTTP server.
This is useful for debugging and operational monitoring and can be used to find problem pages or diagnose stuck requests.
Examples of use:
var HttpRequestTracker = require("node-http-request-tracker");
var http = require("http");
var svr = http.createServer();
var tracker = new HttpShutdownManager(svr);
// Ideally expose information from tracker to your administrative, health-check, and/or monitoring pages
new NodeHttpRequestTracker(httpServer, options)
Creates a new request tracker for the specified HTTP server. Options supported are:
- numRecent (default = 10) - number of recent requests to retain
- numLongRunning (default = 10) - number of long running requests to retain
- longRunningThreshold (default = 30000) - requests taking longer than this are considered long-running
A hash of current requests. Each request is assigned an index and removed upon completion
The objects are in the same format as longRequests
An array with the last N requests accepted by the server. The requests may not yet be complete.
The objects are in the same format as longRequests
An array with the last N long-running requests completed by the server. These requests are guarenteed to be complete
The objects contains:
- req: The request object
- res: The response object
- reqDate: Time the request was received
- resDate: Time the response was sent
A hash containing the count of the number of responses for each HTTP result code
Resets all tracked metrics. In-flight requests are not reset
Closes the server and proceedes to start closing connections. Once all connections are closed, the callback is called.
Returns a promise that is resolved when all connections are closed.
Any PRs are welcome but please stick to following the general style of the code and stick to CoffeeScript. I know the opinions on CoffeeScript are...highly varied...I will not go into this debate here - this project is currently written in CoffeeScript and I ask you maintain that for any PRs.